Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Frank Can Dish It Out But Can't Take It

Massachusetts' very own (because who else would want him?) Barney Fwank got an unwelcome reminder yesterday that he's supposed to be working for us when two doctors on his cross-country flight had the temerity to challenge him to a debate about Obamacare.

Frank responded in the time-honored manner of Democratic "public servants" everywhere: 1) he claims they were drunk, 2) his boyfriend and several other O-No-Care supporting (one assumes) passengers told the doctors to shut up and 3) complained to the flight attendants, and 4) Congressman Fwank says he's "disappointed" the story got out because it is "unfair to the flight attendants".

Typical Barney and one more reason we look forward to seeing the back of him come November.

Apr 13, 2010 8:48 am
US/Eastern Barney Frank Heckled On Flight Over Health Care

Congressman Barney Frank confirmed a report Tuesday that he was verbally attacked on a cross-country flight Monday.

A passenger on the Los Angeles-to-Boston flight told the Boston Globe two ophthalmologists started shouting at Frank about health care reform.

"There were two women who had been drinking who were doctors who wanted to debate me about health care," Frank told WBZ Radio Tuesday.

Frank said he declined because he wanted to read and relax on the flight.

"So they became louder and louder and abusive, talking about parasites in Massachusetts," he said.

Frank added that he was ignoring them, but his partner and several other passengers told the women to be quiet.

"He said to them 'You ought to calm down' (because) a number of people were complaining."

Frank said it escalated to the point where the flight attendants had to get involved.

"The flight attendants just had to be very firm with them and then they quieted down."

The doctors were not identified in the report.

He was disappointed the story made it to the media.

"It's unfair to the flight attendants. These people have a very tough job," he said.

(© MMX, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)


Anonymous said...

Whittle quotes our Founding Fathers in this brief video:

Bill Whittle: The Blood of Patriots and Tyrants: The Tea Party Founders, posted 4/12/2010

Whittle closes with the following: ". . . from Samuel Adams for all you big state control freaks, tea party slanderers and the entire staff at MSNBC". . ."If ye love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you and may posterity foget that ye were our countrymen."

Toaster 802 said...

Poor little barney. Having to answer for his crimes.

By the way the story is spun, guess the doctors won the argument...