Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Honestly! really! again??!

April 13, 2010 by rumcrook™


really, why does he bow and scrape so much? its pathological.

obama the omega male

and here from a different angle with commentary from confederate yankee.

Get That Man A Spine

How many times has this occurred now? Three? For someone who tries so hard to cultivate the image of a intellectual and sophisticate, he seems doggedly determined to cast himself as an unteachable buffoon, once again bowing to a foreign dignitary that is his equal.

unreal. where is his dignity

see the smirk on these guys faces, they do not respect this 0ne, its like he´s the head waiter of america, well heres a walk down memory lane with our head waiter….


Epaminondas said...

We need a primary A-1, all out, no looking back


He ain't

Anonymous said...

He thinks people who are patriotic are hicks and that it's so hip to be him.

Anonymous said...

his psychology seems damaged.

he uses smugness and underhanded passive agressive tactics with many he wants to treat badly, and at the same time over and over he bows to people he should be making eye contact with and keeping a strait back,

Thermblog said...


He's apologizing for America. Can't you tell the difference?

Always On Watch said...

He loves to bow those not our true allies.

Dag said...

"Buffoon." My term for him as well.