Nazi salutes and swastikas as hundreds gather for funeral of murdered white supremacist Eugene Terreblanche
Oh boy! Here we go.
From the Daily Mail:
Their arms raised in a Nazi salute, thousands of angry white followers greet the coffin of Eugene Terreblanche as it leaves church.
The South African white supremacist was buried on Friday, six days after being hacked to death by two black farm workers.
Supporters travelled from across the country to mourn his murder and, in some cases, plot revenge.
Children and even babies were dressed in the uniform of 69-year-old Terreblanche’s party, the AWB.
Haunting: Mourners give the Nazi salute as a hearse containing the body of slain white supremacist leader Eugene Terreblanche drives by in South Africa today
Flags bearing the swastika-like emblem of Terreblanche's party, the AWB, are waved as mourners give the salute today
A massive security operation was mounted for the ceremony amid fears of violent clashes between whites and blacks.
But there were few black faces to be seen. Some mourners muttered ‘housemaid’ in Afrikaans when a black government minister paying official respects walked past.
Despite calls for calm from political leaders following Terreblanche's brutal killing, the crowd were united in the view that the death of the white supremacist leader was a political assassination.
'None of us are safe,' said Jan van der Merwe, a small scale farmer.
'White farmers are always been murdered in this country, but now they have killed our leader, there must be consequences.'
Mourners still appear to be giving the Nazi salue as Terreblanche's coffin goes by - but in reality they are simply taking pictures with their cameras
A little girl reads the order of service, left, while a dog and guard provide security, right
Terreblanche, the 69-year-old leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB) was bludgeoned to death last weekend, allegedly by two of his farm workers.
But the Afrikaner community is increasingly convinced his death is part of a sinister plot to decimate the descendants of South Africa's original white settlers.
Although the funeral, in Terreblanche's rural home town of Venterdorp, passed off peacefully, the country's worst racial crisis since the end of apartheid is far from over.
And with only nine weeks until the start of the World Cup, funeral goers expressed fears for the safety of the 32 competing teams.
'This government has lost control of the country,' Cornelia Jonck said.
'They cannot even protect those of us who live here, how can they guarantee the safety of hundreds of thousands of football fans.
'There will be bloodshed and then people of the world will know what we have to face every single day of our lives.'
Mrs Jonck, 61, was among the first to pitch a camping chair on the lawn in front of the brick church in the North West Province town, to hear the funeral broadcast on loud speakers.
As strains of the Afrikaner national anthem, Die Stem, meaning The Call, blasted out, police helicopters hovered overhead. The bumper of an armoured police car, parked outside the church, provided a seat for some elderly mourners who were unable to find room inside.
Laid to rest: Terreblanche's brother lays the flag of the AWB over the coffin
There was audible tutting and a vigorous shaking of heads among those lining the road outside the church as the convoy carrying family of 'the leader' was followed by police cars with black officers at the wheel.
'It is not that we don't like the blacks,' said Margarite Dreyer, a lifelong member of Mr Terreblanche's AWB party.
'It is just that we want to be apart from them. We have our God and our ways, and they have their ancestors and the things that are important to them.
'God did not want us to be mixed like this. It is not a coincidence that Oom Gene [Terreblanche] died at Easter.
'He died so that we may be saved - so that God will give us our own homeland at last, so that the Afrkaners may be alone, like the people of Israel.'
A number of homemade banners blamed the country's President Jacob Zuma, and the firebrand leader of the ruling party's youth wing, Julius Malema, directly for the killing of Mr Terreblanche, a father of one daughter.
Tension: Supporters of Eugene Terreblanche raise their hands in a Nazi salute and sing (above) while others waved supremacist flags (below) ahead of his funeral in Ventersdorp today
'That black group from Julius, it doesn't matter to them who you are, if your skin is white, they are going to kill you,' shouted one tearful woman as she queued for a seat in the small church.
'He is a monkey auntie, he belongs in the bush,' a young boy added.
Mr Malema's resurrection of the township refrain 'Shoot the Boer' has stoked anti-white feeling within the country in recent weeks, many in the crowd claimed.
A number of mourners called for Mr Malema to be 'taken out' for his part in creating an atmosphere of rural lawlessness.
At least two white farmers are murdered each week in South Africa.
'I would have no trouble pulling the trigger myself,' an AWB member from Ventersdorp said. 'I am happy to kill him, but I don't want to go to jail for doing it. I'd rather die myself.'
Andre Erasmus, a pastor who was among the crowd, was adamant that Mr Terreblanch was not murdered in a row with his workers over pay.
He believed that about 10 years ago, 'a war was declared on the white man in the country and nobody has done anything about it'.
Loyal: AWB members stand guard outside the church grounds
There were audible wails of grief as the murdered Afrikaner's coffin was carried into the church draped in the red, black and white Nazi-like flag of his AWB movement. Two men wearing the group's military-style uniform stood at each end.
On the other side of town, the country's trade union federation called a mass meeting to ensure there would be no repeat of the black versus white clashes that had taken place earlier in the week when the alleged killers appeared in court.
Police and army units were drafted into the tiny town to ensure the funeral service and burial on Terreblanche's farm passed off peacefully.
Terreblanche was an iconic figure in the country; a large man with silver beard and piercing blue eyees, he attended rallies on horseback.
He was a fervent opposer of black rule. He had lived in relative obscurity since his release from prison in 2004 after a sentence for beating a black man nearly to death.
Despite fears to the contrary, his death has not sparked wider violence.
The acrimonious aftermath of Terreblanche's murder revealed strained race relations 16 years after apartheid collapsed and Nelson Mandela became president, urging all races to come together.
Terreblanche was hacked to death while he slept at his farm, apparently after a row over wages. The attack with machetes and pipes is said to have been so violent that Terreblanche's body was 'unrecognisable' .
His alleged killers worked for him on the farm outside Ventersdorp, north-west of Johannesburg.
- To add to the list of potential security problems ahead of the football tournament, terror group Al Qaeda today threatened to attack the games in South Africa.
A statement from the group published online read: 'How amazing could the match United States vs Britain be when broadcasted live on air at a stadium packed with spectators.
'When the sound of an explosion rumbles through the stands, the whole stadium is turned upside down and the number of dead bodies are in their dozens and hundreds, Allah willing.
Señores y señoras
Nosotros tenemos mas influencia
Con sus hijos, que tu tienes
Pero los queremos
Creado y areglado
De Los Angeles
Juana's adiccion
Here we go
No one!
No way!
Gonna stop,
Now; go!
Save the complaints
For a party conversation.
The world is loaded,
It's lit to pop and nobody is gonna stop...
No one...
No one!
No way!
Gonna stop,
Now; go!
Farm people,
Book wavers, soul savers,
Love preachers!
Lit to pop and nobody is gonna stop.
No one...
Move on,
to take control of a man like that, move on!
One come a day, the water will run,
No man will stand for things that he had done...
And the water will run...
One come a day, the water will run,
No man will stand for things that he had done...
And the water will run...
and it Will Run! oh
and it Will Run! oh
Gimmie that!
gimme back that automobile,
Turn off that smokestack
And that goddamn radio
Hum... along with me...
Hum along with the t.v.
oh oh, oh, on no
No one's
Terre'blanche was beaten and hacked to death in his sleep with clubs and machetes in the most gruesome manner imaginable. The two murderers then immediately phoned the cops and told them what they had done. They could have just left the scene and easily gotten away with it, as less than 5% of murder cases are solved in South Africa. Maybe they're just patsies. This is a very fishy case.
Eugene wasn't a Nazi, just an old school racist Boer with a penchant for Mussolini-style histrionics. Some of his homies in cell block 6 remember him a bit differently than the dime-a-dozen obits in the liberal media.
'God did not want us to be mixed like this. It is not a coincidence that Oom Gene [Terreblanche] died at Easter.
'He died so that we may be saved...
What madness!
Blasphemy, even.
Yes, it is blasphemy and madness.
Thanks for putting it into words like that, AOW.
While their behavior is definitely anti-Christian and blasphemous, it is far from madness. If I were targeted for murder or ruin by powerful ruling elements in my country on the basis of my race; unless of course I volunteered to join them in persecution of my or any other race for that matter; my response might look like madness to a lot of people also.
This whole situation is a sad reflection of the fallen human heart.
Your point is well-taken. However, acting like an animal caught up in the herd instinct is not a good solution. It is not according to reason, and we are nothing without our reason.
The only way we are going to win this is to use our reason. I think you would agree.
I've heard from some reports that Terreblance was an allege closet homosexual. Perhaps homophobia on the part of his killers might have played some role?
Even the police admit they found some condomes which Eugene used. Maybe they're just using the unpaid wage theory as an obvious alibi.
Full on ragnarok.
Just great.
Cue C3PO
Pastorius: I agree. I just like to point out that these people are being forced into a siege mentality by racist forces outside of their control. Although their behavior is also racist and reprehensible in many instances, we must keep in mind that their enemies are in fact the greater evil. The threats are real and have already been played out to a large degree in Zimbabwe already. The root of this problem lies in the racism of the ANC and not in the reactions of the Afrikaners who have made great strides in their own internal racial attitudes.
I get the feeling that this evil worldwide spiritual movement against Judeo/Christian philosophy and thought would love to stomp out the Afrikaners......Just my gut feeling.
Yep, and they need better leaders.
By the way, the reason I am bothering to point these things out, even though I know you and I agree on these issues, is because there are other bloggers out there who are supporting these S. Africans.
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