Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Obama Admin: So sorry, your new taxes, a SALES VAT tax, will be going to pay for bailing out banks, GM, AIG and our other philosophical agendas

sam_has_an_idea.jpgHey Obama, look up, I see an asteroid.

The United States should consider raising taxes to help bring deficits under control and may need to consider a European-style value-added tax, White House adviser Paul Volcker said on Tuesday.

Volcker, answering a question from the audience at a New York Historical Society event, said the value-added tax "was not as toxic an idea" as it has been in the past and also said a carbon or other energy-related tax may become necessary.

Though he acknowledged that both were still unpopular ideas, he said getting entitlement costs and the U.S. budget deficit under control may require such moves. "If at the end of the day we need to raise taxes, we should raise taxes," he said.

Anyone who has been to Europe or some other places knows how obnoxious these taxes are and how corrosive they are to spending. They are so depressing to sales that when you leave you are able to get the taxes refunded. This admits to evidence how frightened the Euros are of the nature of these taxes on sales to those who ARE NOT COMPELLED TO SPEND THEM AND CAN GO ELSEWHERE.

This is NOT going to end well. Those who have been educated in the present system and way of doing things simply see more govt, more layers, more spending and more power as the route to solve problems. They are not COMPETENT to do these things. They are not competent because they are not omniscient.


The larger the problem, the bigger the solution they seek.

The bigger the solution, the more funds they seek.

The more funds they seek, the more power and coercion they MUST seek to enforce the funds collection they must have.

Human nature.

That is why the Constitution is a document which at heart LIMITS what govt is permitted to do.


Time to limit these people who can NEVER achieve what they are attempting and will RUIN ALL in the attempt.

It's pretty easy to see the difference between LIBERALS like Hubert Humphrey and the social-progressives who occupy the leadership of the democratic party today. The leaders today have KILLED liberalism. Not Pat Buchanan, or Ann Coulter, or Neocons, or republicans.

These people and their ideas will have to face an historic repudiation at the polls.

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revereridesagain said...

Dude, that's Paul not Sam. I oughta know.

Anonymous said...

Just got this email from Keith Davies of the Walid Shoebat foundation which explains -- not only are our elected officials and union members exempt from the health care bill requirements -- so are the devout:


I received a few emails to "prove my point" on the health care issue.

The proof is simple on pages 273-274 of the new Healthcare bill states that people of "religious sects and divisions," are exempt. There are other exemptions but these are not relevant. This language is very smart, as not all Muslim schools of thought have forbidden insurance, however it is prominent in most schools of Islamic thinking. If you would like to read the bill or this section you can easily read it on the Heritage Foundation website.

Here is a fatwa and clarification from a Muslim web site in English on the Islamic law regarding medical insurance:

The statistic of 57% of Republicans who believe Obama is a Muslim, was from a front-page story I read on from one of the major agencies like AP or Reuters. The Poll refered to in th article was conducted was by Harris, which is a major polling company. The 99% of Muslims who believe Obama is a Muslim may not be an accurate figure but based on the concept of listening to Muslims who are orthodox followers of the Islamic faith and general research from the thinking of Muslims, which we have exposed on the web site; Walid and I believe that a huge majority of fundamentalist Muslims would concur on the belief that Obama is a Muslim.

Walid will be speaking in the Washington DC area this weekend . On Friday evening April 9 he is the key note speaker at Insight Conference, contact Faye Hardin at 407-290-0088 or email if you would like to attend. The conference is at the Omni Hotel on Connecticut Ave.

On Sunday April 11 morning services at Tabernacle Baptist Church in King George, VA website

On Sunday April 11 Evening at 6 pm at Frederick Christian Fellowship web site


Keith Davies
Director Walid Shoebat Foundation

Epaminondas said...

Geez rra you are right !

Anon... as far as I know, the AMISH were SUPPOSED to be the only named group exempt by religious belief. Otherwise we will have the 1st Gaian church of wiccans and warlocks springing up on every campus and city where young people are ready to take a chance rather than have health insurance to save ... $350-900/month ..

Pastorius said...

There is a story going around that Muslims will be exempt. We even posted an article on it here.

It may not be true. I hope it isn't, because as RRA states, it will open up a strange can of worms.

revereridesagain said...

Takes me back to the days of my youth when several of my disreputable libertarian friends joined the mail-order "Church of the Universal" whatever for tax-dodging purposes and held "ordy" parties to celebrate.

Should be quite interesting to see public reaction if it comes out that certain "observant" Muslims are indeed exempt.