Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Obama Doctrine in 4 points - UNRAVELLED IN BRUTE TERMS

John Adams' signature in SVG
1) WHITES ARE TO BLAME - It's not racist, it's just history .. whites reached the top worldwide first and humans are selfish creeps. Greedy, unthinking, consumptive, shortsighted. This will be true, however, of any who reach the top in this system regardless of race. Therefore those who have accumulated wealth and success OR ASPIRE TO, ESPECIALLY against the odds are to be suspected.

2) All must share the limited resources in a gigantic zero sum game, and this means the white culture, which reached the top first, must come down to the rest as the rest rise at what must be their expense, especially where this culture has achieved the most ..AMERICA. Any means employed to cajole, coerce, and legislate this end is therefore, JUST.

3) John Adams, Jefferson, Franklin et al WERE FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG. Property is freedom only for those who can accumulate any. The Constitution was not merely imperfect, it is fundamentally in error, and needs fundamental change. Equal opportunity can only be a stepping stone to the real mandatory justice for all, equal outcome

4) Watch what we do, not what we say.

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