Sunday, April 18, 2010

Obama Drafting Classified Guidelines to Hold Terrorism Suspects Indefinitely Without Trial

"The Obama administration is for the first time drafting classified guidelines to help the government determine whether newly captured terrorism suspects will be prosecuted or held indefinitely without trial, senior U.S. officials said." Where are the rabid mouth frothers of the Democ-rat party grand mal seizing about civil rights and violation of rule of law? Where are those unhinged Bush derangement sufferers? Building the trains, no doubt. This country is at war.

Is everyone in a coma? Seriously. Yes, they will cloak it in their fancy Orwellian double mind fuck, but the bottom line is they will use it as they see fit. They will sell it.

According to Homeland Security, vets, tea partiers, patriots and free speech advocates are the true terrorists. And the turncoat Gates at the Department of Defense submitted his Fort Hood recommendation yesterday, wherein he commends the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and America's Security Affairs -- the DoD leader for the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force program.

Meanwhile, remember this from earlier today:

From FOX News:

Mueller: Home-Grown Extremists as Threatening as Al Qaeda

Midnight Rider here. . .

I asked it yesterday, we discussed it a bit on the Gathering Storm, and I'll ask again today.

How many of you believe we will actually make it to the November elections? How many of you believe there will be an incident, either real or manufactured, that will give Obama justification (in his mind) to impose martial law and suspend elections?

And how many of you believe the American Public would stand for that?


Anonymous said...

sorry, im in the we're gonna make it to the elections camp.

I dont see any useful way, (useful for obama) to have an incident and suspend elections.

its too over the top and I dont care what crazy manufactured riechtag thing could theoretically be ginned up it would never hold water to suspend elections and go martial law.

just for the sake of argument, and im uncomfortable arguing this thread, but just for the sake of argument, lets say obama did do something like this, I would say it would mean the mask is off, period. no more im mister reasonable and im your president, pResident smirky would be inviting actual civil war. not political civil war not civil unrest, but actual war.

I am still finding it hard to believe he would want that.

Always On Watch said...

I know that it sounds farfetched to say that elections won't be held in November.

But just what will BHO do if he thinks that "his" Congress will be overturned? Can he just stand by and let that happen?

Pastorius said...

Am I misreading the post I posted?

I don't see a prediction that we're not going to have elections this year.

midnight rider said...

No no, just tying in with something I thought, especially regarding the militias. And now with Mueller spouting this bullshit. It is not inconceivable (especially given Alinsky-ite leanings eveyrone talks about) that Obama, getting paranoid beyond all reason (for the record I'm paranoid but not beyond reason) would want to hold onto his throne and manufacture something against a militia, or say they are too dangerous or we have heard this or that etc and suspend elections, even temporarily.

Of course if there is a terrorist attack I would fully expect him to do so (never let a good crisis go to waste. . .)

I am not saying you stated that, nor am I saying it is going to happen. Just a hypothetical thrown out there. Find out how bad folks really think he is.

I mean people want to call him a socialist (he is) a communist (he may be) then you have to admit, following models from other Socialist COmmunist countries it is not that far fetched an idea.

Pastorius said...


I must not be seeing a comment that came before rumcrook, or something. I'm responding to rumcrook's comment.

I think Blogger is playing tricks again. I'm not getting all the comments.


midnight rider said...

No, you're not. I added a question at the end of your post and linked it as well to something I wrote yesterday.

As for rumcrook being uncomfortable with it I don't see why we should be. I am not advocating anything here, merely asking a what do you think could happen question.

If they have us afraid to even ask a question like that, then they've already beaten us.

midnight rider said...

WQhen you consider yesterday it was Clinton talking about McVeigh and today it's Mueller talking about home grown terror in the form of militias it is not so far fetched. If one of these idiot groups tries something, or if the Admin suspects (or for that matter trumps up) that one of these groups is about to try something, I can see them overreaching to protect their jobs.

Pastorius said...

Ok, gotcha.

Epaminondas said...

These people don't believe in free speech.

They believe in the dialectic which calls for correct speech. Speech which is not correct is unjust, and seeks to prevent social justice and equality. This is a moral wrong.

They are UNABLE


to distinguish the difference

There will be elections. The key to power is not in preventing elections to maintain power but in molding the minds in schools indistinguishable from re-education camps to CHOOSE social justice as a moral good, and identify incorrect and unjust speech.


It is 'bombing' in the minds of the young

Unknown said...

I'm also inclined to consider the possibility of an "event" taking place on american soil that would be a pretext to "postpone" elections.
A while back i read that 80.000 (Eighty thousand)soldiers are being trained to be used for the November elections-here.
Sounds to me as a bit excessive.

midnight rider said...

Thanks, Will. I posted the story but went to the original source for it.

The articles the author links to are from Fall 2008, before Obama was elected.

This force was set up under Bush.

That does not mean it can't be hijacked for Obaam's own ends.

But neither does it mean it will be.

Epaminondas said...

Hi Will,

I am cynically leery of taking such a site as a source.

It's all 'may' and 'could be' and is not iron hard fact.

They 'could be' agents provocateur trolling for right wing freaks in the comments.

They 'may' be SEIU posters looking for identities of 'wing nuts'

Know what I mean?

IMHO, any action taken such as postponing an election would have nearly INSTANT negative consequences for those authoring any such stupidity for any event short of ALL OUT nuclear war.