Sunday, April 18, 2010

Okay it's time it's time to think the unthinkable Obamajews

{{w|Rahm Emanuel}}, White House Chief of Staff
Now be aware as a gauging factor, I am NO SUPPORTER of the right of Israel to create settlements because Judea and Samaria are really Israel. However, these are a logical CONSEQUENCE of unending and CONTINUING Arab rejection, which like those in Gaza and Egypt, CAN and WILL be undone should circumstances dictate.

I know you will hold up Axelrod and Emanuel as icons of 'you can't be right'. And it's not a bad argument, but considering the stakes, it's not good enough.

It's not good enough because only those kinds of people who really believe that the new Health Care 'YOU WILL BUY THIS PRODUCT OR ELSE' law will reduce the total spent on health care in the USA can believe that the President of the United States sat for 20 years in the pew watching Jeremiah Wright and never heard a word about that 'shitty little country' filled with jews.

Do you believe that? If so, you have suspended disbelief, which as YOU know, because you are not stupid, is an act of faith.

Now at base what this is all about is the acceptance of two ideas before we proceed.

1) Israel, SOME Israel has a right to exist as a jewish state, and it has that right because this world has made it's existence compulsory as, if nothing else, a final desperate sanctuary

2) The only ally we REALLY can depend on in the middle east is it's ONLY democracy, and we both gain immensely from this alliance

You form the conclusions, from the inarguable history and facts. As a REAL Democrat once said,'you are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts' :

Then of course we have the praise for Brzezinski and his advice, and Robert Malley, who Martin Peretz first said WAS an adivsor, then denied as Editor of the New Republic (Mr. Peretz, like Alan Dershowitz is now PUBLICLY off the Obama faithful bus). Peretz, months before the election and jumping ONTO the Obama wagon :

Martin Peretz -- an Obama supporter -- wrote at the end of December that he got the "shudders" when thinking about the foreign policy influence of "Zbigniew Brzezinski... Anthony Lake, Susan Rice and Robert O. Malley".

Brzezinski has both defended Walt And Mearsheimer, which has consequences in what a president believes both for Israel and americans who happen to be jewish, and praised Obama because he offers "a new definition of America's role in the world."

All these POSSIBLE INDICATORS (and there are more) might indicate what we have seen.

The most optimistic explanation is that Barack Obama believes in 3 main theories which will bring about middle east peace.

  1. Israel and the Palestinians have equal claim and as a family feud of immense dimension, must be forced somehow, one way or another in to a peace in which both will be thankful 50 years from now, when they are both profiting...since neither equal party has the will, or the political strength
  2. Solving this POLITICAL conundrum is an item which will solve 70-90% of 'Muslim problems' with the USA, and save American lives and property around the world
  3. Peace is the natural state of man
Of course, these are delusions. I won't go into those arguments now. Does the president follow DELUSIONS?

The middle case is that, like George Marshall, a great great man, Obama believes the Arabs hold more value for the USA than Israel (or in the case of Marshall, the JEWS). At the time Marshall came to his divide with Truman, he can be excused for his ignorance over what the brand of Islam bought out a few years later by Sayd Qutb demanding the death of infidels, especially Jews, requires. Yet since THIS INTERNAL REPORT indicates by 2015 real oil shortages will perturb both economies and political fates, one might imagine that oil is not the deciding factor in such a conclusion.

The worst case is that all the appointments, decisions, snubs, leaks, NY Times stories tell us that his pastor of 20 years is simply in agreement with one of his flock, and perhaps on MORE than just this issue. That David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel are just, in the end, better sounding (and/or partially duped) versions of Tony Judt, Eric Foner, Norman Finklestein, and Noam Chomsky (all jews who have functioned to ultimately destroy Israel). There are influential Jews, more than a few IN MY OWN CONGREGATION who don't even wish to see a mention of Israel in our internal newsletter. Being born to Jewish parents does not confer a belief set like those outlined near the image of Mr. Emanuel. Finally the worst case is that Barack Obama, despite the long chain of democratic presidents (J Carter excepted) who BELIEVED that there is both a concrete and moral benefit in alliance with the Jewish state believes as Wright does, that the nation filled with Jews is ultimately a "gangster state". Given FDR and HST, this is a very hard conclusion historically for many Americans who happen to be Jewish.


But we think.

In the meantime, Iran's P-2's run day and night, and even if we have been smart enough since the 'moderate' Rafsanjani's apocalyptic statement, to sabotage internally their procedures, the Iranians proceed doggedly and the world grows more dangerous not from new apartments in Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem from the 19th century, but from inertia, self doubt, and perhaps something else.

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BlackbootJack said...

I like your blog, but I am amazed that IBA does not have a link to one of the newest but one of the best Anti-Radical Islamic web sites???

Maybe if you contacted the webmster and asked him he would consider a site link swap.
I'm sure he would appreciate the honor.
In fact I'm positive.


Alexander Münch said...

Fonts :- Wingdings...


Five minutes with you, please...


Anonymous said...

Hey BlackbootJack! Good to see you here. I'm sure IBA will have that link up stat. They were happy to put up Logan's Warning's link once I cross commented a story from Logan.

I find IBA a slice above most other sites in that they have a sense of humor, style and aren't as rabidly reactionary as others. You can actually disagree with something here without being called names by its readership. And topic discussions are interesting and pretty dang high-brow, unlike the choir-singing, one-line, hallelujahs found on other sites. In other words, no one here has called me an a-hole yet! I've been frequenting this site for some four months now, and haven't been called a name yet! That's a record for me! :)

Epaminondas said...

Mighty, haven't you yet figured out, you're just our kind of a-hole


midnight rider said...

Yeah, we're all a--holes here so you fit right in.

Some of us just happen to excel. . .

(sound of quiet retreating whistling)

Anonymous said...

D'oh! :)