Obama raised more money from Wall Street than any candidate in history, and more money from Goldman Sachs than every Republican running for president, House, and Senate, combined.
Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columns/Republicans-pick-Wall-Street-over-free-markets-92451714.html#ixzz0mfHJ3d30
Now I know that the Republicans in Congress are supposed to care more about the DOW than the democrats, but the only people worse than the republicans at getting ideas and facts across to the American people are the Israelis.
Why is this so?
Wall Street figures who in a kindler gentler age may have been portrayed taking action against unions by phraseology much as Henry II did against Becket, have decided like the corporate leaders of Bayer, BASF, and Krupp, that there is much more to gain by acting in concert with a large government, than in backing arcane and outdated windmill tilting idea sets, say like FREE MARKETS.
I mean, why worry about free markets which would insist that irresponsible greedy unethical adventurers and corporate structures fail out of existence, when you can with government cooperation in the right committees, create an unofficial structure among those who have 'never had a real job' to ensure your greedy lack of ethics will result in software automagically replenishing your cash accounts from US Account 000 000 001 at the Treasury.
The worst part about this is that the Republicans used to to DC and inured to a coarsening balefully glaring American public are probably wringing their hands over how to get those Goldman Sachs contributions to their side.
And so we have one of the main beneficiaries of Countrywide Mortgage's programmed lack of ethics and greed (as opposed to capitalism) looking in the mirror and seeing himself on a white horse leading a self righteous charge to reform a Wall Street snickering with their fellow scotch drinkers on the Hill over the temporary punch and judy Kabuki threatre designed to tell the American people .... 'shhhhh, it's all alright ... we're on watch for you up here.'
I know that it was in Abraham Lincoln's term that the word shoddy was invented to capture the corruption rampant in war contracts, but really, what could give those inimical to the American way of life and Constitution more hope that this experiment is crashing over here than the hysterical spectacle of Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Harry Reid and Pelosi seminal amoral corrupters all, leading a charge to better Wall Street ethics while Obama in an aside to the microphone informs us that at some point presumably he knows but won't share, you really have enough money?
George Bush was no bonus, especially after Katrina, but hey 53%, is this greater farce what you had in mind?
Listen Glass Steagall PREVENTED all this quite nicely.
Even something SIMPLE like making payout for 100% of bonuses, with only 25-30% at transaction time, contingent on COMPLETION of mortgages backing these securities would have stopped this last go round. But is anyone hearing that? From either party?
It was FDR who instituted red lining TO PROTECT banks the FORMER time around. Then Carter who saw it as racist removed it.
But the solution is 1400 pages no one has really read, let alone can comprehend?
Ever wonder who the human beings are who actually WRITE these things?
Who do they work for? Where is THEIR next job? What has been promised to them, in either party?
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