Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Anthony Cordesman, a close to WH military analyst REALLY gets it backwards

This short article is highly instructive in how smart people miss the big picture in the midst of fact.

In Geostrategy Direct which is Bill Gertz's column laden e-news circular consisting of lots of fact and some analysis Codesman is identified as:
Leading pro-Obama analyst reads Israel riot act on 'strategic blunders'

Cordesman blames Israel for a lot and assumes a lot, including that a guarantee of extended protection (read Iran) will include Israel. Of course, that takes it for granted that the USA is dependable and not risk averse doesn't it, Tony?

He also claims that Israel is a tertiary interest in a complex situation, not a main ally in the main fight, and that therefore they owe us obeisance since we support them so much (but of course we are not, are we). He misses entirely that amid the tactical blunders at executive level which lead to the attacks on the IDF on the ship's deck, the real fault lies with the freely made vote of the Palestinian people to elect HAMAS, and WHAT THAT PORTENDS.

Cordesman, by allowing the international lynch mob space as if their objections were not based in what has affected the jews for 2500 years, also misses why what Israel is doing is COMPULSORY not some malleable set of actions to be arbitrated for the good of the USA.
It's Gertz who REALLY hits the nail on the head as to why the USA should act tough (Gertz's full article is in the extended portion of this post) :

Any investigation into Israel's handling of the 'Flotilla' incident will attempt to answer many questions.

One should be: Why could Israel's military intelligence not collect, process and relay statements by Turkish Islamists that the Gaza flotilla was part of jihad against Israel and that they were training to battle any naval interception?

Despite assessments of a near-term regional war, Israel's military and intelligence community either failed to understand that Al Qaida- and Iranian-sponsored groups may have already begun the conflict in their attempts to supply and legitimize the Hamas regime in the Gaza Strip. Or the Israelis simply ignored that assessment.

Of course these are the questions the american govt wishes to avoid as well.


Gaza's cause is not a Palestinian state.

Gaza's cause is something else.

The support for that cause is now from a NATO ally among others whose purpose is the END OF THE USA, and who recognize both what Israel is and what the success of Islam requires. It is a convenience for these forces that the freedoms of the west find common cause in an Israel filled with the sons of apes and pigs.

No matter what the Al Saud have granted Israel or not in the skies, we can be sure that their people and the VAST VAST majority of the Arab and Muslim peoples support the REAL cause of the people of Gaza.

Which is after all, just as was Sharon abandoning it in 2005,


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