Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Anti-Semitism Is So Bad Dutch police use 'decoy Jews' to stop attacks

From the Telegraph:

Dutch police use 'decoy Jews' to stop anti-Semitic attacks
Lodewijk Asscher, Amsterdam's mayor, has ordered the new decoy strategy to cut the number of verbal and physical attacks on Jews, amid fears that anti-Semitic "hate crime" is on the rise.
"Jews in at least six Amsterdam neighbourhoods often cannot cross the street wearing a skullcap without being insulted, spat at or even attacked," according to local reports.

Amsterdam police already disguise officers as "decoy prostitutes, decoy gays and decoy grannies" in operations to deter street muggings and attacks on homosexuals or the city's red light district.

Police in the Dutch city of Gouda have claimed the use of officers disguised as apparently frail old age pensioners has helped cut street crime.

"If we receive several reports of street robbery in a certain location, we send out the granny. That soon quietens things down," said a spokesman.

Secret television recordings by the Jewish broadcasting company, Joodse Omroep, broadcast at the weekend, have shocked Amsterdam, a city which prides itself on liberalism and which is home to the Anne Frank museum. 

The footage showed young men, often of Muslim immigrant origin, shouting and making Nazi salutes at a rabbi when he visited different areas of the Dutch capital.
Muslim "origin".

What a fucking joke. 

Islam is a religion, an ideology. It is not an "origin".

Muslims hate Jews because their religion tells them to hate Jews.


Always On Watch said...

Is any of this information in the mainstream news in America?

revereridesagain said...

I haven't had tv for 5 years now, do everything on the internet. I get news from FOX, CNN for contrast, local stations, and blogs. My mother watches tv CNN and local news, and I am constantly reading her news stories like this that she's never seen anything about.

Much of what we take for granted in the way of information never makes it to the MSM viewing public unless it is connected to unavoidable news stories, and even then most of it is spun.

Epaminondas said...

No way. This is the first I've seen.

This world is SCREWED.

Can you imagine for a second what would be going on in the USA if there were so many attacks we had to use decoy latinos or blacks or 'koreans'?

We would never hear about anything else, and frankly that might be right

Alexander Münch said...

Dear Pasto,

The photo attached to your post was pasted & copied "as is" from HERE !
It has nothing to do with what happened in Amsterdam yesterday!
Please, inform your devoted readers, that the photo exists on your post for "Illustration" purpose only!
Why am I saying it?
Simply my friend ! I recognize the door! I know its address and even the code by which to open it!...

I'm opening two "Goldstars"...

Shall I wait?


Epaminondas said...

Alex..interesting since the photo comes DIRECTLY from Telegraph UK

Pastorius said...

Yeah, the photo does come from the Telegraph.

I must say, I thought the photo looked familiar. Where have I seen it before, Alexander?

Alexander Münch said...


Please give me your E-mail address (Via my blog). I will tell you the "door's story" privately.
