Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Argument Against The Cure For Aging

The article starts out neutral enough, then, about mid-point, proceeds to the same old leftist whining about victimhood at the hands of capitalism.

From the current edition of Newsweek:
If a cure for aging became available to the rich before the poor, which is the way the world always turns, then the unfairness of life might become absolutely unsustainable. How would our world of haves and have-nots go on spinning if the haves lived for a thousand years while the children of have-nots went right on dying hungry at the age of 5? And what would happen to the rest of the living world? Would the other species on the planet, the other earthlings, have even less?
Ah, the evils of wealth.

I guess that we over a certain age (What is that age, anyway?) should die right now so as not make victims out of others, huh?

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