Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Black Journalists: Shill For The Far-Left Orthodoxy

Erik Rush is a brilliant man who toils away in relative obscurity, despite being the journalist who broke the Obama/Reverend Wright story, despite having written a prophetic book on our situation with Mexico (and it's solution), despite being way out ahead of everyone on a number of issues.

I've had the pleasure of interviewing Erik Rush on a number of occasions on my radio show, and I can attest that the man is consistently brilliant, and yet, he is a truly unassuming, down-to-earth guy.

Here, Erik becomes the only journalist to truly understand the profundity of the moral lapse required for Tavis Smiley to have equated Muslims and Christians when it comes to violence.

From Erik Rush:

The vapid, exigent conformity of black journalists, and other elites of color, to progressive convention seldom fails to sicken me.

It was May 25, and Public Broadcasting Systems' commentator Tavis Smiley was interviewing Somalian-born author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali. For the past several years, Ali, a former Muslim, has been doing a stellar (as well as very risky) job educating those in the West as regards the insidious aspects of radical Islam's methodology.

During the interview, Ali expressed the need for "competing propaganda" against Shariah law (Islamic theocracy) and jihad-supporting Muslims who promote radical Islam to philosophically and economically vulnerable Muslims. For example, she cited their using esotericIslamic scripture to indoctrinate more moderate Muslims in the way a radical Christian or Jew might use parts of the Old Testament to justify draconian or even atrocious acts.

They've clearly had no small success in this area. 
Tavis Smiley shown here with Leftist Cornel West

Ali has a crystal-clear view of the ends to which radical Islamists strive. At one juncture, she referenced Maj. Nidal Hasan (who killed 14 people at Fort Hood last November) and Faisal Shahzad (the Times Square bomber) as she described the jihadists' modus operandi. Smiley abruptly tore off his judicious commentator's mask, revealing the shill for far-left orthodoxy that he is. After his comparison of the entirety of radical Islam to people on the level of suburban abortion-clinic protesters, Ali pressed him as to whether activist Christians were in the habit of blowing people up.

Responded Smiley: "Yes. Oh, Christians, every day, people walk into post offices, they walk into schools, that's what Columbine is – I could do this all day long. …"

Do what "all day long"? Talk crap? Because that is no less than what his Orwellian misrepresentation and preposterous extrapolation was. Comparing a minority of fringe individuals (some of whom weren't even Christians) to a dedicated, violent sect with a well-funded, global network dedicated to the implementation of a retrograde, vicious, misogynistic creed is beyond disingenuous – it is subversive and wicked.
All of this is, of course, leaving aside the long-standing argument as to whether public funds ought to be slated for the salaries of agenda-driven propagandists, regardless of their race or political allegiance.

Smiley went on to declare that he is a Christian. I surmise that he'd identify himself as a "Social Justice" Christian, as are many on the left, particularly among black elites. In a recent column, I asserted that since Social Justice (like Black Liberation Theology) is a Marxist construct, and Marxism is an atheistic doctrine, the "Social Justice Christian" becomes something akin to a "straight homosexual" or a "black klansman" – in other words, no Christian at all.

We all know Christians whose faith carries less weight than a gym membership. In the view of those like Smiley and other progressives who profess Christianity, there are two types of Christians: intolerant, homophobic, racist and possibly inbred whites with a Bible in one hand and a rifle in the other, and SocialJustice Christians, who accept whatever far-left apostasy that compromised clergy and politicians throw at them.

I am – as are many black conservatives, libertarians and Christians – more than familiar with black progressives' criteria for such things as racism, oppression and terrorism. No doubt Smiley would ascribe every atrocity committed in the Americas since the arrival of Europeans as "Christian terrorism." Yet, even juxtaposing that against the broader historical reality, it is still Muslims who have killed, maimed and enslaved more and larger populations than Christians, primarily in Southern Europe and North Africa.

Following Smiley's condemnation of Christian America, Mr. Shill then trotted out the tea parties and utterly bogus, non sequitur propaganda relative to that movement, rehashing the since-debunked allegations of tea-party participants shouting racist epithets and spitting at black Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., back in March. Referencing this lie was obviously not even germane to the discussion of Muslim versus Christian extremism – it was an example of repeating the lie long enough and often enough to eventually make it true, à la Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.

Smiley is not alone, of course. There is a healthy-sized battery – an elite corps, one might say – of otherwise competent black journalists in the establishment press and demographically focused news media who perpetuate the myth of black oppression and ruthless, racist white dominion inAmerica . While not all might be predisposed to make statements as over-the-top as Smiley's, all dedicatedly maintain and promote this divisive convention.

That convention is part of a worldview that has infected our nation to a degree that it is now dangerously compromised on several domestic fronts. The current turmoil concerning the U.S.-Mexico border is a direct reflection of this dynamic in action. Although it wouldn't matter if those creating the crisis that has manifested in border states and the Southwest were Swedish people, Americans are being cowed and plagued with specious charges of racism because the offenders are Latinos. Contrived by progressives and advanced over the last several decades, this political device is one I have cited on numerous occasions in this space. Its purpose has been to control and condition both whites and people of color to further progressive aims.
An appraisal of events, including the 2008 election of Barack Obama as our chief executive, the aforementioned border debacle and numerous others now coming to the fore, indicates to me that it has worked very, very well.

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