Tuesday, June 22, 2010

General McChrystal Apologizes

The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan was ordered back to the U.S. Tuesday to explain explain controversial remarks critical of the Obama administration.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal apologized for a magazine profile in which his aides are quoted mocking Vice President Joe Biden and Richard Holbrooke, the special U.S. representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan.

An article published this week in Rolling Stone magazine depicts McChrystal as a lone wolf on the outs with many important figures in the Obama administration and unable to convince even some of his own soldiers that his strategy can win the war.

In the article, McChrystal was also quoted as saying he felt betrayed by the man the White House chose to be his diplomatic partner, Ambassador Karl Eikenberry.


The article portrays McChrystal's team as disapproving of the Obama administration, with the exception of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who backed McCrystal's request for additional troops in Afghanistan.

The article claims McChrystal has seized control of the war "by never taking his eye off the real enemy: The wimps in the White House."...
Read more at the above link.

How bad is the situation in Afghanistan for a general to openly blast a Presidential administration?

Then, there's the following too:
Rolling Stone interviewed troops frustrated by McChrystal's strict rules for combat that are intended to reduce the number of civilian casualties.

At one outpost, a soldier McChrystal had met earlier was killed in a house that the local U.S. commander had repeatedly asked to destroy. The request was denied, apparently out of concern that razing the house would anger locals whose allegiance the U.S. is trying to win.

"Does that make any (expletive) sense?" Pfc. Jared Pautsch asks. "We should just drop a (expletive) bomb on this place. You sit and ask yourself, 'What are we doing here?'"


Epaminondas said...

He has now been ordered home to the White House to explain these remarks.

He SHOULD resign and give his frank opinions and statements.

Clearly he has no confidence in his superior, and the reverse, he feels, must be true

Epaminondas said...

His apology is a weasel for a career.

He should QUIT RIGHT NOW and come home to a news conference if he is a serious man.

Obama is NOT going to allow this kind of shit (and no prez can)

Always On Watch said...

I think that McChrystal is going to get canned.

I agree with you that he should resign. Now. Then he can speak whatever he wants.

Rebellious Kafir said...

I think Obama finally found someones ass to kick...
THe big problem the Obama regime has is that nothing the General said was untrue. So, Captain Thinskin is going to bitch and blow at the General and nothing will change...Obama will still be a worthless sock puppet, the situation in Afghanistan will continue to grind up more of America's sons...and the General will get a book deal...
by the way, my community lost three more soldiers this morning.

Anonymous said...

When a military force has to allow the enemy to kill them without being offended it is time to take a hard look at the leadership. Too bad the General will not just say *#^@ it--quit, and say what everyone is really thinking. Their is an empty suit, a poser in the white house and he is determined to destroy everything that America and the free world stands for. God Save America!

SamenoKami said...

Thrown out under the right circumstances, McChrystal could lose his pension/bennies.

Just so you'll know, I made a conscious decision to do my best to stay out of 'Nam because of stupid ROE's. The bad guys got to shoot first and if you lived and the phase of the moon was right and your first shot was guaranteed to miss, you could shoot back /sarc. Two drafted cousins told me the stories when I was too young to be drafted. I drew 331 on the draft lottery and was never called up. Problem solved.
Wars are fought to be won not to see who can out politically-correct the other.
What's Epa's 'Sherman' comment?
"Kill the most, the quickest?"
We'll continue to bleed out our military until someone gets a clue.
I personally would rather everyone in Afghanistan dead than see one of our best lose his life over there.

Anonymous said...

Quote: " ordered back to the U.S. Tuesday to explain explain controversial remarks critical of the Obama administration.

Perhaps Gen. McChrystal will take this opportunity to personally hand Obama his resignation with "Colonel Jessep" style flourish (substitute 'jihadists' for 'santiago'):

"You can't handle the truth! Son, (oh please call Obama 'son'), we live in a land that has walls and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? YOU?!. . .I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of NOT knowing what I know. Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible TO YOU, saves lives! You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties YOU WANT ME ON THAT WALL. YOU NEED ME ON THAT WALL. . . . "

Yes, McChrystal should resign --with flair . . .and then open wide up for further interviews providing the public with details. Lots and lots of details.

christian soldier said...

when an agreement w/Micheal Yon was rescinded-
when our BEST were told to have the first chamber empty-
when the response to bho was 'tepid' at West Point---
I put the 2+2s together and got 0000 for the safety and well being of our BEST---

Anonymous said...

Breaking via CNN Updated at 4:41 p.m.] Gen. Stanley McChrystal has submitted his resignation, Time magazine's Joe Klein told CNN, citing an unnamed source. CNN is working to confirm Klein's information.