Thursday, June 10, 2010

Here's The Stopper For The Ground Zero Mosque!

The land was once roamed by pigs and is a pig burial ground.

Oink, oink!

See this information at Creeping Sharia:
Pious Muslims ought to know that any mosque built downtown will be built on soil that was roamed by pigs and is a veritable pig burial ground. From the archive:
. . . Where Wall Street got its name?

Free-roaming hogs were famous for rampaging through the valuable grain fields of colonial New York City farmers. The Manhattan Island residents chose to block the troublesome hogs with a long, permanent wall on the northern edge of what is now Lower Manhattan. A street came to border this wall — named aptly enough, Wall Street.
Go to Creeping Sharia to view the Google map.

Also see Bare Naked Islam's posting on this same topic:
Seville, Spain. A township governed by the left accepted to sell its land to a group of muslims for the construction of a mosque. A group of non-immigrant Spaniards that didn’t want the mosque in their neighborhood came up with an original solution. In the middle of the lot where the mosque was supposed to be built, they buried a big pig and made sure it became public knowledge. Since Islamic law forbids the construction of mosques on hog-soiled land, the Arabs had to abandon the project..The Israelis have been using this strategy since 2004. They put containers of pork fat in all their buses and made sure everybody knew about it. If a suicide bomber decides to explode himself in a bus, he’s taking the chance that some of the pig fat ends up on his body and therefore he will not go to Paradise. Israelis buses have been safe from attacks since then. No more attacks.
Spread the word. The land for the Ground Zero mosque is contaminated for any Moslem use!


Unknown said...

Only one thing comes to mind "God works in mysterious ways".

revereridesagain said...

They will figure out a way around it because that mosque is too important to lose. But it will be fun watching them squirm.

American Rose said...


You're too yound to be retired. I want you to run for political office. Do it NOW. I command you:)

If these Moooslims, as a group, weren't so violent and irrational, they'd be funny.

Damien said...

Revere Rides Again,

Maybe they'll demand that the New York City government search out and eliminate every pig corpse, and pig artifact in the area. At tax payer's expense of course. Than a lot of people will really mad.

Damien said...

That are not mad already, that is.

Unknown said...

Mhhh Damian.
I think you have a point there!Something like a goverment imposed inspection for poluting matter of the soil.Not only oil-chemicals and heavy metals but also. All matter hostile to Moslims.The cleaning costs off course to be carried by the seller or taxpayer.

Damien said...


But Here's the awful truth for Jihadists, even if the city agreed to do it, there's no way on Earth they could, and it would just make New Yorkers even more upset that the city was wasting their money to appease Muslim fundamentalists. Plus it would serve to delay the opening of the ground zero mosque, possibly for years, and even then there's no way they could find ever single pig bone.