Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Palin/Bachmann 2012

Now that's a pair I'd like to, um, get behind.


1 comment:

Black_Rain said...

all we need is another moran more stupid than Bu$h43..oh crap, 2 more morans in the white house.

they are both 2 of the most Pathetic Intellects off their medication i have ever seen in Politics...

the problem in our government is Fascism.. those 2 are the poster children for the worst Corporatist Plutocratic Oligarchical Cleptocracy since Luis the 14th..

this isn't a Band Wagon hoe down beer bottle throw'n party, we have a very narrow window to establish regulatory control over the Wall Street OCD Gambling Addicts and Corporatist butt lickers who are selling your children up the river thru deregulation of the Oligarchs..

the top 1% richest possess 5.5 times the financial wealth as the bottom 80% of Americans,, who collectively hold only 7% of financial wealth and 70+% of debt.

there can not be a healthy economy with those stats..!! the Oligarchs use the media to blame those who are trying to do something about it... wake the hell up..!!