Saturday, June 12, 2010

Report: Egyptian Foreign Minister says Obama told him to be patient; he will 'show the Muslim world how [to] deal with Israel'


 From Doug Ross:

Victor Mordecai, writing in the May 2010 edition of Israel Today (PDF, 4MB), offers this report which, as yet, is unconfirmed by an independent source such as MEMRI.

My wife Rachel, who monitors Arab language broadcasts for Israel Radio, picked up a revealing statement on the “Round Table Show” on Egypt’s Nile TV.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit said he had a one-on-one meeting with Obama, who told him that he was a Muslim, the son of a Muslim father and stepson of Muslim stepfather, that his half-brothers in Kenya were Muslims, and that he was sympathetic to the Muslim agenda. He asked the Arabs to show patience.

Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic American issues (like healthcare reform), he would show the Muslim world how he would deal with Israel.

...Pro-Arab, so-called Christian presidents are one thing. But how concerned should we be if the US President is a Muslim who is loyal to the Muslim agenda to isolate and weaken Israel? When the Palestinians talk about nothing but war with Israel and its annihilation, and the president of what was our strongest ally backs their demands for a state with Jerusalem as its capital, and adheres to the same faith, should we not be warning the American public?

...It is time to create an awakening among our true brethren and allies in America: Congress, the Jews and the Christians. We must work together to thwart the emerging alliance between the US and the Arab-Islamic agenda. We must pray for an awakening among the Jews and a Christian revival for Israel’s survival.

In September of 2009, Obama did meet with Ahmed Aboul Gheit. This photo, provided by the State Department, depicts the pair with their spouses.

And it is well-known that Gheit is a true hard-liner when it comes to Israel. One of his recent editorials spelled out his hatred for the Jewish state:

All the Arab sides – both those who support negotiations and the ones who pin their hopes on resistance – must refrain from extending a [friendly] hand to the extremist Israeli government. What we need now is to increase Israel's isolation, to besiege it as an occupying country, and to expose its racist face and gain the world's support for our just causes. If this peaceful siege does not achieve the hoped-for results, we will discuss [what to do] when the time comes.

I repeat: though Obama and Gheit definitely met, the report of the President's statement is unconfirmed. However -- for a guy who marinated in Rev. Wright's anti-American, Hamas-supporting, and antisemitic Church for two decades -- it wouldn't come as much of a surprise to find out it's entirely accurate.


From Atlas Shrugs:

Of course, if Obama believes himself a Muslim, it was taqiya -- deception or lies to advance Islam. Which he performed brilliantly during his election: he lied with brazen contempt. And clearly his Islamic Jew-hatred is made painfully clear in his stunning rebuke of Israel.
Is it any wonder that his counter terror adviser speaks arabic, calls Jerusalem al quds and calls jihad a "legitimate tenet of Islam"?
Adul Gheit claimed Obama told the Arabs to show patience. Obama promised that once he overcame some domestic issues, like the Health care reform, he would show the Muslim World how to deal with Israel.
Obama aboul
US President Barack Obama welcomes the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Aboul Gheit to the Nuclear Security Summit April 12, 2010,in Washington
We know that Gheit met with Obama in April 2010 in DC -- check out White
World Leaders and Heads of Delegation Attending the Nuclear Security Summit Arab Republic of Egypt
His Excellency Ahmed Aboul Gheit
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt
They met more than once. Gheit had a private meeting with Obama in May 2009.
Egypt: Obama "The Boy King"

Worse yet, Gheit just last month called Israel "the enemy." This after Israel gave them the Sinai (which Israel had won in a defensive war and defended through another one) with all its oil in return for "peace."

Obama bow2
Let's review:
March 2009, Obama declares the "war on terror" is over despite a dramatic increase in jihad war ops.
March 2009, he floats the idea that he will talk to violent, genocidal Hamas.
March 2009, he demands, recruits and insists that more Muslim Americans work in the Obama administration.
April 2009, Obama tells Europe to admit Islamic Turkey into EU, much to the consternation of the Europeans.
April 2009, Obama demands non-Muslims respect Islam (despite our differences) in a speech in Turkey.
April 2009, Obama in a speech from Turkey: "We are not a Christian nation."
April 2009, Dalia Mogahed, the first hijab-clad senior adviser to Obama on Muslim affairs says in an interview with terrorist- and jihad-supporting Sheik Yusuf  Qaradawi's website, "Many have claimed that terrorists have 'hijacked Islam'. I disagree. I think Islam is safe and thriving in the lives of Muslims around the world. What the terrorists have been allowed to take over are Muslim grievances."
In April 2009, Obama lays groundwork for a partnership with Hamas.
May 2009, Obama promises to offer his "personal commitment" to Muslims.
May 2009, Obama calls America "one of the largest Muslim countries on the planet."
June  2009, Obama invites the Muslim Brotherhood, violent global jihadist group whose sole objective is a universal caliphate, to his speech to the ummah (Muslim community) in Cairo.
June 2009, Obama makes a stunning speech to the Muslim world from Al Ahzar University in Cairo. It defies explanation.

July 2009, Obama reaches out to the violent jihadists of Hezb'allah.
July 2009, Obama creates a new office at the State department, Outreach to the Worldwide Muslim community, reporting directly to Hillary Clinton.
Sos muslim 

Obama promises to close GITMO.
Obama is rebuked when plans are revealed for CIA prosecutions for 911 interrogations: Seven Ex-chiefs of CIA Oppose Case Review: ALL Sign letter to Stop CIA Persecutions.
In July, Obama sanctions the brutal crackdown of those marching for freedom in Iran and sides with the mullahcracy. He stands silent about the Iranian regime's mass executions, mass rape and murder.
July 2009, Obama plans to slash US nuclear arsenal.
September 2009.  Bolton on Obama at the UN: "This is the most radical anti-Israel speech I can recall any president making" "I have to say I was very shaken by this speech."
October 2009, Obama offers millions in Muslim technology fund.
November 2009, Fort Hood Jihad Cover up:  Obama Urges Congress To Put Off Fort Hood Probe, Warns Against Turning Tragedy Into "Political Theater."
November 2009, Obama offers the Taliban control of the Kandahar, Helmand, Oruzgan, Kunar and Nuristan provinces, in return for a halt to the Taliban missile attacks on U.S. bases.
November 2009, Obama Reaches out to bloody Jihadis in the Philippines.
 On Thanksgiving eve, Obama issues a special Hajj message to the world's Muslims.
December 2009,  Obama's "Non-Religious" White House Christmas and No Christmas Gifts for his Kids.
February 2010, Obama names a Hafiz to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. "And as a hafiz of the Koran, [Hussain] is a respected member of the American Muslim community," Obama said in his message to the Doha meeting, using the term for someone who has mastered and memorized the Muslim holy book. 
February 2010, Obama cuts US space program, orders NASA to work with Muslim countries.
February 2010, covering up for jihadists in the White House.
Obama's counter terrorism adviser, John Brennan, Involved in Obama Passport Breach.
March 2010, Obama Obsession with Islam: Calls 'entrepreneurship summit' with Muslims.
April 2010, Libyan Pres Gaddafi Praises Obama: "Barakeh Obama is friend" "He is of Muslim descent, his policy should be supported...."
May 2010, Obama's Counterterrorism Adviser Calls Jihad "Legitimate Tenet of Islam."
May 2010,  White House Pro-Terrorism John Brennan Speechifies in Arabic, Equates Terrorists with Shoplifters, Lawmakers Call for his Firing.
June 2010,  Obama equivocates on the jihad warship convoy (affectionately named a "flotilla" by the media): Obama "Expressed a Deep Regret Over Loss of [Jihadist] Life."
June 2010, Obama Administration to Support Anti-Israel Resolution at UN.
Press conference earlier this week: First flagless "President." Ouch. What a disgrace.
Obama flagless
The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America


Unknown said...

Hi Pastorius.
I've heard this story about 2 moths ago for the first time.
I've tried to find anything on that story fronm that tv channel but couldn't find anything.But looking at his track record it wouldn't surprise me!

Pastorius said...

The thing is, just because the Egyptian Foreign Minister says Obama said something, does not mean that Obama actually said it.

This story could very likely be a non-story.

cjk said...

I wouldn't call the Man-Child a Mohammedan because he himself claims that he's a Christian although it is conceivable in my mind that a Mohammedian could deceptively claim to be both at the same time.
None the less, all the other people named by the diplomat as being worshipers of the pedophile pirate are indisputably so.

However, the real crux of the matter is whether or not the Man-Child could act any differently if he was in fact a Mohammedan! Apart from publicly bowing down before the moon-demon, I don't see how.

Pastorius said...

I believe Barack Obama's church in Chicago practices a kind of Black Nationlistic Chrislam. That is why they have a special affinity for Louis Farrakhan.

This is my opinion. It is based on little other than an attempt to figure out what Father Pfleger, Obama, Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, et al have in common.

I don't think it is as simple as politics. I think it is a religio-political ideology they have in common.

cjk said...

I agree that it is as you say a religio-political ideology. IMO it so happens that that ideology emanates from the same spirit of which Mohammedanism does. Hence just as Mohammedanism manifests it's opposition against everything Judeo-Christian, so do they. They befriend every wicked despot and destructive policy while resisting anything good and decent. Their followers are left blinded with empty slogans and hateful, envious doctrines in a hovel of poverty while they themselves bask in glory and or riches.

Black_Rain said...

even Wafa Sultan, the first woman to tell a man not to interrupt her she was speaking..and on Aljazeera no less... is a professed Apostate with a Fatwa for her head on a plate.

she still says she is a Muslim.. i paraphrase here.. because she will never be free of the brainwashing she went through.. although she is a practicing Christian knowing it is a death sentence

as for Obama.. only time will tell. there is too much disinformation being spun to discredit him.. in order to keep the Democrats from succeeding at anything that might make the ReThuglicans look bad/worse.. hell, how could you polish that Turd in any way at all.

i really wonder about Obama.. I'm not sure about anything yet.

revereridesagain said...

I thought Wafa said she was secular. I know she went through a lot of Muslim "brainwashing" in her youth, but I believe that sort of thing can be overcome. Nonie Darwish I believe, is Christian. Could you possibly have meant her instead?

As for Obama, this has gone way beyond the "birther" stage. This issue has to be settled. If there is evidence that Obama has declared himself a Muslim to a witness, then effectively he is working for a hostile agency against the US government and the Constitution. I'm not saying we can take this to impeachment. But it is essential that we know exactly what we are dealing with. There is too much talk about him being "in over his head" and his psyhological quirks and such. That is an entirely different thing from his being a conscious agent of Islam, of the ummah, of Sharia.

Pastorius said...

Black Rain,
Can you point me to any links that show Sultan is a Christian. I thought she was a secular woman of Muslim heritage.

By the way, let us be clear that, as is true of Judaism, Islam is bequeathed by birth. If you are born to a Muslim father, you are a Muslim.

Now, that does not mean that one can not change one's religion. And, it is true that Obama says he is a Christian, and he might truly believe in the Christian faith. I wouldn't know, would I? And, neither would any of us, unless he told us he didn't.

As he is purported to have done with the Egyptian Foreign Minister.

I have a feeling this conversation with the Egyptian Foreign Minister may have gone something more like this,

"Mr. Gheit, you know I was born to a Muslim father, and much of my family is Muslim. I went to a Muslim school in Indonesia, and I was taught the Muslim faith. I understand your world, and I am sympathetic to many of your ideas, plans, and grievances. Have patience with me. I have a lot of domestic concerns to get to before I can tackle the Middle East problem with any moral capital. I understand the way you feel about Israel, and I share some of your concerns, so rest assured, you will get fair treatment from me."

If that is, approximately, how the conversation went, well then, Obama could have said that to any audience. No big deal.

And, you can see how it might have been construed differently by the Egyptian Foreign Minister.

Pastorius said...

I agree.

By the way, read some of Farrakhan's sermons. He oftimes quotes the Bible more than the Krayon.

My sister has quite a few Muslim friends. They always try to convert her by appealing to the fact that they believe in Jesus too.

The point is, it would not be surprising at all if a Chrislam developed in the U.S.


revereridesagain said...

Look, we are splitting hairs here and it is counter-productive. Why are we still making excuses for Barack HUSSEIN Obama? If we can confirm the statement by the first-person witness (Gheit) fine. But in the meantime, at least proceed on the basis of the already confirmed evidence as listed above. Is there any counter-evidence that he is what you folks would call a "Christian", or that he has this nation's best interests at heart, or that he is not a wholesale Muslim sympathizer and hostile to Israel, at the very least?


Given what we already know, if it were possible to impeach the bastard I'd say get an early start this Monday. It would almost certainly be a mistake to even try. But at the very least, this makes it crucial that control of Congress is taken away from the Obamabots and Dhimmicrats this November.

cjk said...

RRA, Doesn't matter to me whether or not he's called a Christian, because apart from publicly bowing down to the moon-demon itself I really don't see how he could take the Mohammedan side any more than he already has.

If anything were to happen to this scumbag including impeachment, you can be SURE that his adoring followers will take to the streets VIOLENTLY.
I say try to remove him anyway, but that amounts to nothing more than a pipe dream at this point

revereridesagain said...

Agreed, that's why I've said repeatedly that there is no point in taking impeachment seriously. Focus on the elections in November. That's how we make change.

Over at Atlas, Kenny Solomon posted an hysterical comment about how he has been Talking to Friends in Politics and Media who have apparently gone round the bend because Some People Are Saying The President Is Muslim and are expecting mobs to storm the White House and take Obummah away in handcuffs. Therefore we should all shut up and start being Really Polite about everything. Or there will be knocks on the door at 3am.

I pointed out that knocks on the door at 3am over discussing the obvious might go rather a long way towards proving our point. And couldn't help wondering if these same people got their knickers all in a twist a couple years back when there were Bush-assassination movies being made and mobs with BusHitler signs in the streets and people openly wishing they could kill Cheney.

No, I don't even want to seriously consider anything like impeachment because yes, the Obamabots would go berserk and riot in the streets. And from the sound of it, Kenny's "friends" would be standing there pointing at us and saying, "we told you so".

I assume the good people who support President Obama will be nice and polite when we elect a whole lot of nice and polite Republicans and Indies in November who will nice and politely speed-bump the nice and polite POTUS's agenda down to a slow crawl. Because that's how we do change in the US of A.

Anyone who wants to knock on my door at 3 am over that can expect the business end of a cane up their nose. Nice and politely, of course.

Epaminondas said...

There are so many stories and so many ridiculous stories

Just judge him on what he says and does, and what we KNOW him to have said and done.

Damning enough for history, I think