Sunday, June 27, 2010

Turkish Religion of Peace rally in support of "aid" flotillas to Gaza

A Turkish Religion of Peace rally in support of "aid" flotillas to Gaza.
(The banner translates to a common expression of gratitude).


Alexander Münch said...


The banner says:-

“May you have healthy hands”

( Yeh ! They might get V.D. while jerking ! ).


Pastorius said...

That's a funny greeting/salutation.

I've got an Irish friend who tells me that in Belfast, when a friend asks, "How ya' doin'?", one of the acceptable responses is,


LL said...

I stood minding my own business at a restaurant washroom about a month ago, letting nature take its course. An Arab man dining there saddled up to the stall next to me and asked if the water was cold. I replied, "It's colder toward the bottom".

I didn't slap him on the back with my left hand, but I admit that I was tempted.