Friday, June 25, 2010

UK: London Bus Drivers Refusing to Pick up Passengers With Dogs if There’s a Muslim On Board


Alexander Münch said...

The bus driver should ask the dog first !

This is what I get with my morning coffee ?


Damien said...


Beyond anything else some people really need service dogs. Blind people come to mind, that's why they normal make exceptions for them, but like Peta, Jihadists don't care.

revereridesagain said...

Don't know PETA's take on Islam but those crazies would probably approve on the disapproval of dogs as pets, since one of their aims is to eliminate "companion animals".

And is that photo the ultimate statement of irony or what.

Pastorius said...

I'm pretty sure the photo is doctored.

Damien said...

Revere Rides Again,

I can say for a fact that Peta opposes all pet ownership, so they wouldn't mind this. They'd probably see it as a boon to their cause, since it would make dogs less useful to people. As for Islam, I don't think they really care, about it at all, except to try to claim that it, and other religions, support vegetarianism. The only instance I can remember of them speaking out agianst an atrocity committed by Jihadists was when they were upset was when Palestinian terrorists used an animal as a suicide bomber. I think it was goat or something that they strapped a bomb too.

Than when other more reasonable people complained that they didn't show any concern for the innocent people killed by the exploding goat, one of them said something along the lines of "We don't take part in human wars."

Anonymous said...

"We don't take part in human wars."

they are ridiculous!

Damien said...


I know, that is an understatement.