Sunday, July 18, 2010

All These People Behind the Victory Mosque Sure Seem Like Totally Committed To Peace

From Ace:

Strange bedfellows.
So far, then, the Ground Zero Islamic facility rests on a support network linked to the anti-Jewish Mahathir and the Perdana-supported Gaza raiders, some notable servants of the Iranian clerical dictatorship, and an Egyptian property developer associated with the pro-Hamas chief of the Arab League. 
But the questionable aspects of the Ground Zero Islamic project do not end there. Feisal Abdul Rauf’s wife, Daisy Khan, executive director of ASMA, has been one of the most assiduous promoters of the lower Manhattan mega-mosque....
Rauf’s wife failed to mention another feature of her background: She is the niece of Dr. Farooq Khan, formerly a leader of the Westbury Mosque on Long Island, which is a center for Islamic radicals and links on its website to the paramilitary Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the front on American soil for the Pakistani jihadist Jamaat e-Islami.
Jules Crittendon writes:
Politics aside, it’s hard to think that putting up a 15-story Islamic center named after the storied time of Muslim domination of the dhimmi spitting distance from the would-be Caliphate’s greatest hit is going to make a lot of friends or positively influence people, if that is what the goal is. It starts to sound more like a bricks-and-mortar case of the Flying Imams. 
On that subject, BTW, still waiting for the greater Islamosphere to stop squawking about how it has been victimized and misunderstood in all of this business. If anyone is sincerely interested in fostering better relations with their Christian and Jewish brothers, how about a 15-story Islamic contrition and anti-terrorism center?
And that may sound snarky, but that is precisely how the West displays contrition for group sins. Why can't the Muslims so interested in "peace" and outreach do what we do when we've sinned? Why are they determined once again to make their monument a triumphalist one?


Anonymous said...

El Islam aprovecha el órdago nacionalista catalán para expandirse
Redacción | Publicado el 16 Julio, 2010 |

El imán de la mezquita del Nord de Lleida, Abdelwahab Houzi, es un viejo conocido de los servicios de inteligencia españoles. Hace un par de meses ya se posicionó a favor del uso del burka. En aquella ocasión afirmó que el velo integral no discrimina. “No es discriminación porque la mujer misma, ella por su propia voluntad, con su propia libertad ha elegido este tipo de vestimenta, entonces nadie le obliga”, aseveró.

Abdelwahab Houzi, también es un viejo conocido de la justicia. Una mujer lo denunció por haberse casado con ella cuando ya tenía otra mujer, maltratarla y abandonarla en un viaje a Marruecos. Los malos tratos tuvieron lugar el pasado mes en Rabat, donde la pareja se encontraba de viaje.

Pues bien, ahora está convocando reuniones para expandir el salafismo wahabi en Lérida a través de una federación de mezquitas que quiere presidir. En el último encuentro, el pasado domingo, Abdelwahab Houzi animó a los musulmanes a aprovecharse de los independentistas.

La esposa de un marroquí asistente a las reuniones ha contado que el domingo pasado el imán dijo: “Hay que aprovecharse de los independentistas pues ellos se apoyan en nosotros para conseguir votos pero lo que ellos no saben es que cuando nos dejen votar todos votaremos a los partidos islámicos pues nosotros no pensamos en izquierdas y derechas. Esto nos hará ganar alcaldías y a partir de ahí con las grandes competencias de las autonomías empezará a implantarse el Islam.”

Anonymous said...

Islam uses Catalan nationalism to expand

The imam of the mosque of Nord de Lleida, Abdelwahab Houzi, is an old acquaintance of the Spanish intelligence services. A couple of months ago he positioned himself for the use of the burka. on that occasion he claimed the integral veil does not discriminate. "It's not discrimination because the woman herself willingly, with her own freedom has chosen this type of clothing, then nothing obligates her", he assured.

Abdelwahab Houzi is an old acquaintance of Justice. A woman have denouncing him for marrying her while he was married to another woman, for abusing and neglecting her on a trip to Morocco. The abuse took place last month in Rabat, where the couple was traveling.

Well, nowadays he's organizing meetings for the expansion of Wahhabi Salafism in Lérida via a federation of mosques he wants to preside. In the most recent meeting last Sunday, Abdelwahab Houzi called for Muslims to take advantage of the independentists.

"We must take advantage of the independentists because they rely on us to get votes but what they do not know is that when we are all allowed to vote we will vote for Islamic parties for we do not think left-wing and right-wing. This will make us win city councils and from there with the broad powers of autonomy Islam will start to be implemented."

Anonymous said...

"Why are they determined once again to make their monument a triumphalist one?"

I know it's a rhetorical question but I'll answer it anyway for the benefit of any newbies who might be scratching their heads. It's because, unlike westerners, they are quite clear about the fact that, by islamic nature, they are at war with America and every other western country. A war of conquest.

It's so blatantly obvious that we really ought to be able to just nuke 'em* with a grin and then hand out candies of our own. But we're generally too patient and kind and willingly distracted by the smiley faced lies - for now.

(*two or three shrooms wherever it would be most likely to have the desired systemic-memetic impact)

Pastorius said...

Like Mecca, Tehran, and Dubai, quite frankly.

This whole illusion that Dubai is a nice place for Westerners to vacation is a poison.