Saturday, July 17, 2010

And in that universe George Washington washed my ancestor's feet, and property is a good

OBAMA: 'my policies us out of this mess.'

Obama: Voters to decide who caused 'this mess'

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama acknowledges that the fall elections could amount to a referendum on his stewardship of the nation's affairs.

Obama tells NBC in an interview that "nobody in the White House is satisfied" with continuing high unemployment.

But he also says the midterm congressional elections could come down to "a choice between the policies that got us into this mess and my policies that got us out of this mess."

The president said in the interview he believes voters "are going to say the policies that got us into this mess, we can't go back to." He also said Washington "has spent an inordinate amount of time on politics -- who's up and who's down -- and not enough on what we're doing for the American people."

I keep forgetting that he is a ten year old child, who got his homework assignment from someone else, and it wasn't quite right. And now the teacher is upset with him, but you see, IT'S THE OTHER GUY'S FAULT.

Do those people have ANY IDEA how galactically irresponsible they are, sound and the uncertainty that is the result? Do they think about the the fact that the result of falsely propelling the idea that things are better WHEN WE CAN SEE THEY ARE NOT, EVERYWHERE, merely crushes confidence. Don't they realize that quoting some statistic merely increases both our cynicism and our certainty that they are disconnected from the people, unless at Ben and Bill's today, where they will throw everyone aside for security reasons.

When John McCain failed to rise to the occasion after Sept 15, 2008 in the view of the voters, I ACTUALLY THOUGHT, Obama might handle the 'mess' better than McCain, but that I could NEVER vote for him, especially on a single issue. Yet he has now proven not only to be worse than I could have possibly believed in every way INCLUDING the economy, the mind boggling thing is that it is his PERSONAL BEING brought into convincing on policy that is the most offensive and objectionable item in all this.

Those people are locked in to LOSING on the economy specifically because they believe it is the government and only the government which can solve this 'mess', failing to see that all they can do is MAKE IT WORSE, or GET OUT OF THE WAY.

Now we face a deficit and debt so staggering that even Alan Simpson's commission (which reports after the election) is talking about a VAT. But I have a clue .. any moneys drawn out of the economy BY GOVT FOR GOVT will make things much worse, and in taking disposable income away from 100% of the people, will CAUSE A SHORTAGE OF MONEY (i.e., deflation), unless the Fed plans more automagic software creationism and direct distribution of magic money to all. But no amount of normal redistribution a la Obamanomics can make up for private investment, hiring, expansion, capital acquisitions, and market decisions which go on in hundreds of millions of decisions every day.

It's that simple.

And at the center of this 'mess' lies the belief in DC that the answer lies there.

Sorry boyz&girlz.

You ARE the mess we have to get out of. Whether thru deregulation or stupid regulation or abetting greed in larger and larger banks (now protected in law by you), all government can do is to make it all worse. Every time the government gets involved the perturbations make the next mess inevitable. Glass Steagall, on the whole a good thing made, rejection of red-lining a racist issue on the 70's, and compelled the process which ended with CDO's that dominated deregulated banks and created 'insurance' farces based on insuring the mortgage debt of everything everywhere. Today, socialist/facist actions, wink and nod cooperation of the govt and big corporations too big to fail has now resulted in removing both the penalties and Darwinian improvements inherent in failure from those institutions which can harm us the most. That is to say, GM, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America cannot die no matter HOW STUPID THEY ARE, HOW IRRESPONSIBLE THEY ARE, HOW CONNIVINGLY GREEDY THEY GET, but your local bank will get seized and closed for the same actions. If that is not a precursor to the next bigger mess I can't imagine what is.

Reduce taxes, reduce spending, get out of the way, Obama. Regulate against illegal actions, and the danger of greed, of course, but free enterprise is the ONLY ANSWER, as much as it sucks sometimes.

I'm just telling you how it is.

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Pastorius said...


He acknowledges that

1) there is a mess


2) we're in it


3) he got us out of it

Wait a minute, here,

How could he have gotten us out of it, it we're in it?

revereridesagain said...

This is sort of tangenital but since we were discussing "black magic" in email, it just occurred to me that what is going on here is the essence of that. You often hear the bromide that "black" magic is "selfish" as opposed to "selfless white magic". That has nothing to do with it. The essence of the psychology of "black magic" (and it is all psychology) is that NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS TO BE. Trust and confidence are destroyed because reality is distorted to serve a purpose. That is what Obama is doing with the economy, with the border situation, with Islam, you name it. The cure is reality and the deeper someone has gone into the darkness of illusion, the harder reality is going to hit. We are in for a giant whack upside the head somewhere along the line.

Pastorius said...

I see what you mean.

When all is not what it seems to be, then reality is chaos.

Chaos vs. Order is one of the fundamental breakdowns of good vs. evil.

Pastorius said...

By the way, note that much of Leftist theory is based upon creating intellectual chaos/disorder.

That is exactly what Deconstructionism results in. Right?

revereridesagain said...

Yup. It works like it was designed to.

SamenoKami said...

Free enterprise? No one has seen 'free' enterprise in a hundred years. That's one of the reasons the economy can't get up and going.