Thursday, July 08, 2010

Fucking Ayyy - What The Fuck Is Wrong With the God Damned NAACP?

Shocking Video: NAACP Leader Says Man Beaten by SEIU Goons at Tea Party Protest “Not Black Enough” to Protect, He’s an “Uncle Tom”

Kenneth Gladney was the black man stomped on by a bunch of SEIU thugs while protesting along with fellow Tea Partiers outside Dem Rep. Russ Carnahan town hall.
Back in the day, we used to call someone like that, and I want to remind you, uh, when this incident occurred, I was really struck by a front page picture of this guy, which we called, a Negro, I mean that we call him a Negro in the fact that he works for not for our people but against our peopleIn the old days, we call him an Uncle Tom. I just gotta say that. Here it is, the day after a young brother, a young man, I didn’t mean to call him a brother, but on the front page of the Post Dispatch, ironically, he’s sitting in a wheelchair, being kissed on the forehead, by a European. Now just imagine that as a poster child picture, not working for our people


Epaminondas said...

The NAACP is simply no longer a civil rights organization.
They are now a jesse jackson, al sharpton creature of the left organization

Just another brick in the wall

Anonymous said...

Crabs in a barrel

revereridesagain said...

Did these people ever have the right to claim some sort of moral high ground, or was that all an illusion? It seems they would be all too happy to get "revenge" on innocent people today for what was done to their ancestors. By "Europeans". Never by Arabs, by Muslims, of course. Only by the "blue-eyed devils".

Hypocrites. No wonder Bartle Bull Sr. was absolutely livid.

I'll stick to juding people by something other than color. If the NAACP wants to openly do the opposite from now on, that's their problem. It makes them bigots, and it makes them racists, and all the PC yammering about whether or not they have "power" is bullcrap.

Damien said...

Revere Rides Again,

I personally think Martin Luther King Jr. would be very upset at this development.

Damien said...

Blogger Jewel -The Testy Infidel,

Huh? What? You're responding to what I said right? Are you serious or are you joking?

Pastorius said...

Black people, in general, don't care about black people?

For sure, the NAACP don't care. But, black people in general?