Saturday, July 17, 2010

Observation about NAACP vs Tea Party

From Eye on the World:

NAACP is a black only club (a racist organization by definition) made out of Democrats, whereas the Tea Party movement is inclusive of people of all races, creeds and party affiliations.

And the NAACP has the gall to claim that it's the Tea Partiers who are racists.


midnight rider said...

Please don't sully the narrative with facts.


Black_Rain said...

the NAACP was just complaining about the Tea Party not doing something about their members holding signs publicly with blatantly racist comments on them..

so by default the Tea Party "appears" racist.. at best.

the NAACP welcomes White people to join.. they don't hold up racist signs at demonstrations. the fact that the Tea Party does let members display racist signs tells Blacks they are NOT welcome.

beyond any doubt there are racists in the NAACP. but they don't let them proclaim racism publicly on national TV IN WRITING.!.. then deny the NAACP isn't racist with a wink an a nod...

ANOTHER BAND WAGON DISTORTION OF THE FACTS.. addicted to HaterAid. what do you believe in that you didn't get suckered into saying by someone else with an agenda.

taxes are lower for the under classes than in 50-60 years.

here's who is brainwashing the Tea Party'rs

Who Rules America's Wealth, Income, and Power

Financial Wealth
Top 1% 19% ...bottom 80%
2007 42.7%.. 50.3% .......7.0%

so who is pull'n who's strings.. who is really running the Tea Party

the TP was started by America's
12th richest man, to protest "His" taxes.. NOT YOUR'S, HE IS IN THE TOP 1%.. you are on the bottom..
they are all laugh'n at you babe.. THE F'n JOKE IS ON YOU.!!!

a tool of the GOP... that is why they deny it. they want you to believe you are in charge.. do ya hear em laugh'n

Pastorius said...

And, by the way, are you calling me a racist, or a hater, or something like that?

midnight rider said...

I think you're a bit fucked up on this, Black Rain.

The TEA Party has no "members". You don't "join" a TEA Party. The TEA Party movement is comprised of smaller local groups sharing the same conservative ideals that hold TEA Party events. . These groups on their own may have dues or fees but the TEA Party does not. There is no card carrying national membership like the NRA. There is a TEA Party Federation working to establish and maintain national cohesion among these groups but even the TEA Party Convention is nothing but a huge TEA Party Rally that folks paid to attend to hear speeches and speak their minds.

As such there is little that can be done at a national level to deal with racists who show up at the events. That would fall at best on the local group sponsoring the TEA Party event. But since you don't have to belong to a group to attend a TEA Party event and carry a sign there is little can be done about it other than to have whoever is standing next to the person call him out on it, maybe start bashing heads or get into a brawl possibly get themselves arrested end up in court etc.
Complicate that with the threat that there are any number of left wing organizations that have threatened to infiltrate the TEA Party movement to start trouble cause a ruckus try to discredit them and generally act like the fucking assholes they are and who knows who's really carrying those signs.

Meanwhile, you have the NAACP. The
National Association for the Advancement of COLORED People. Ok, granted, their mission states "to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination" but yet they still carry the COLORED moniker.

Why, if their aim is equality for all?

Here's a group that was founded in 1909. So they've been around over 100 years. They do, indeed, charge you to belong. $30 a year or $750 for a lifetime membership. No payment, no card.

So they should have some sort of mechanism in place to deal with the racists among them. Yet there have been incidents of it but you don't see or hear about them much in the media because it doesn't advance the agenda of the lame stream media. And because, of course, a COLORED person cannot be racist.

But the media, in the pocket of the left, will almost certainly find that one or two racist signs in a crowd of hundreds to discredit the movement as a whole.

Why would an organization dedicated to the advancement of equality continue to hang onto a moniker that is derisive at best? It's not a term used politely anywhere, It's considered almost as bad as nigger. If I were to call a black man colored on the street today I'd almost certainly (and rightly) lose a few teeth. Yet this group continues to call itself the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.


Tradition? Bullshit.

I think it's because they want to continue to portray themselves as victims. Because it harkens back to the founding of the group. Back to Jim Crow, Segregation, Rosa Parks and so. Because they wear it like a badge or a band aid. Because they don't want old wrongs long since addressed to be forgiven. Because as long as they can continue to keep division among different groups they can continue to exist and collect $30 a year or $750 for lifetime membership. Despite their stated mission they're not fighting for equality for whites or Asians or American Indians

They don't want equality. They think they should be above everybody else.

So, if it's okay for them to continue using the term, may I do so also? And everyone else? Can we now start referring to Barack Obama as America's First COLORED President?

You want to end racism? "Stop talking about it. I'm going to stop calling you a white man. And I'm going to ask you to stop calling me a black man."

Morgan Freeman

midnight rider said...

You're right about one thing, Black Rain. It is all about money.

The rasicm charge, race card, race baiting, has become a fucking cash cow for the Al Sharpton's, Jesse Jackson's, Louis Farrakhan's, Jeremiah Wright's and NAACP's of this world.

I wish lived half as well as those guys.

When's Barry going to redistribute their wealth?

Pastorius said...

I think there was good reason for the NAACP years back. I think the NAACP served a great purpose for many, many years.

But, I think they've clearly outlived that purpose. Now, they are concerned with Kenneth Gladney and "black hoes".

midnight rider said...

Yep. TRhey've become, or are becoming, anachronistic.

Epaminondas said...

Black Rain your assertions are UNSUPPORTED and contradicted by the facts


NAACP, SPLC are analogous in their position to the SOROS paid for tools, as Hizballah is to Iran.


It's a frigging world class tragedy