Wednesday, September 29, 2010

OIC Breaks Out The Big Guns: Leaders of Qatar, Egypt, Jordan, Malaysia, Maldives All Appear Before U.N. Urging Crackdown on “Islamophobia”…

And yet every one of these countries mercilessly persecutes their Christian citizens (it’s even illegal in the Maldives to simply practice Christianity while churches are forbidden in Qatar), but we’re supposed to flush out cherished freedom of speech down the toilet so they’re feeling aren’t hurt? Two words. F*ck off…

Click on the title to get the whole story.


e of usa said...

Give the rest of the world: a year, a month, a week, even an f*ckin day with out terrorism in the name of islam and I'm sure the incidence of "islamophobia" will decrease dramatically.

I use pose the same challenge to the those who want the ground zero mosque. Answer: Can't be done!

Unknown said...

Two things :
'Islamophobia' has nothing to do with violence against Muslims.

2.It's not Islamophobia, it's Islamosophia, rational fear of the ideology of Islam based on knowledge.

29 of September 2010.
Islamic hard-liners protest gay film festival in Indonesia; some showings cancelled.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali A federal law is needed to cover threats against free-speech rights.

Media ignores Islamist extremisme Canadian Journalist Resigns After Editors Spike His Anti-Jihadist Column.

Thailand, Islamic rebels disguised as policemen fire on crowd: 5 dead and 3 injured.

A Christian female British aid worker was abducted in northeastern Afghanistan along with three Afghan co-workers.

My point :It's not Islamophobia, it's Islamosophia!

Epaminondas said...

I think the world should tackle such racism in order of the most anti-xxxx incidents.

Which group, I wonder suffered the most incidents against them?

I wonder....

Anonymous said...

christian soldier said...

out cry from our "Christian" leaders-
3-2-1- NADA--

abdooss said...

<...every one of these countries mercilessly persecutes their Christian citizens..> ?? Get your facts right! Malaysian Court has sentenced a 5-years-jail to the 2 men who threw molotov cocktail to a church early this year.

abdooss said...

Pastorius said...



cjk said...

Somebody forgot to put the horns and tail on that fu*ken crybaby.

abdooss said...


So Malaysian Government was not selective in persecuting - everyone (except their cronies) are persecuted!