Austrian Court Fines Infidel For Offending Muslims by Yodelling While Mowing His Lawn
The Kronen Zeitung newspaper claims Helmut G. was told by a court in Graz, Styria, that his yodelling offended his next-door Muslim neighbours.
The men reportedly accused the 63-year-old of having tried to mock and imitate the call of the Muezzin. The daily paper writes the Austrian was fined 800 Euros after judges ruled he could have tried to offend them and ridicule their belief. The Muslims, whose nationalities were not revealed by the report, were right in the middle of a prayer when the Austrian started to yodel.
“It was not my intention to imitate or insult them. I simply started to yodel a few tunes because I was in such a good mood” the man told the newspaper today (Mon).
Yodelling will be duly added to the list of things that offend Muslims.
In an Ummah-saturated world this becomes the nature of daily reality. What unexpected word or action is going to set off the Superior Ones and bring trouble and ruin down on your head.
Dedicated to shame the cowardly dhimmi cuckoo [yodel] judge in this case:
Chicken Yodel performed by American yodellers, Kerry and Emilie Christensen "Kerry spent two years in the country of Austria right out of high school. There he became interested in the Alpine yodeling art."
you have got to be kidding....right?
It is funny, be of course we're not kidding.
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