Monday, December 13, 2010

What happens when the jobless give up?

I don't agree with everything in this article. But, the main concerns are correct.

FORTUNE -- What happens to a nation's collective psyche when millions of once-productive people remain out of work for months or even years? What happens when unemployed husbands resign themselves to relying on a wife's income, when unemployed wives feel trapped at home, when twenty- and thirtysomethings calculate that they'd rather live off their parents than face a cut-throat job market, when middle-aged men and women stop searching for jobs after realizing they're hopelessly lost in a haze of rapid-fire technological change?

The pre-holiday bickering over tax cuts and extending unemployment benefits is drowning out a December government number so frightening it should concentrate the minds of every posturing political leader in Washington: 9.8% unemployment. That is staggering, up from when the recession ended 18 months ago, and comes despite signs of recovery in retail, real estate, and corporate profits.

Especially troubling is that long-term unemployment continues to mount. "It is unprecedented in post--World War II U.S. history to have 3% of the labor force unemployed for over a year," Narayana Kocherlakota, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, said in a recent speech. "If history is any guide, this year-plus unemployment rate will only revert to pre-recession levels after several years."

Add to that mix this perplexing fact: While there aren't nearly enough jobs, there are more of them -- a lot more. Since the month after the recession ended, the number of available jobs has surged 44%, according to the Labor Department. Job vacancies are nowhere near pre-recession levels (according to the Conference Board, there are still 10.4 million more unemployed workers than advertised vacancies). Still, there are as many as three million jobs going unfilled.

Various economists have posited various reasons for this mismatch:

* Employers, still reeling from all the downsizing they've had to do, are pickier about whom they hire and slower to close the deal.

* Jobless workers, especially those out of work for months and years, don't have the skills to multitask in a fast-paced economy where medical workers need to know electronic record-keeping, machinists need computer skills, and marketing managers can no longer delegate software duties.

* Workers, some of whom feel cushioned by unemployment benefits, are too picky to take lower-paying or less prestigious jobs.

[I say bullshit on this. How many of us have been consistently turned down for jobs due to being overqualified. This is an old tired argument.]

* There is a geographic divide between where the jobless are -- states like Florida, Nevada, and Michigan -- and where the jobs are -- states like Maryland, South Dakota, and Iowa. Relocation is especially hard if your mortgage is under water.

The cost of not working

Whatever the right mix of reasons, the fallout is crippling. Economically, long-term joblessness means fewer dollars for consumption. For deficit control, it means fewer taxpayers contributing to government revenues and tens of billions more spent on unemployment insurance. Then there is the psychological toll on individuals and families -- and on the nation.

Early on in the recession, popular culture seized on the romantic notion of tightening our belts and looking inward to frills-free fun with our friends and families, after a decade of borrowed hyperconsumption. Now we need to ask a less romantic question: What happens when millions of Americans lose the habit of work, a habit that lends balance, structure, dignity -- and, of course, economic support -- to lives?

The longer people are unemployed the less employable they become. Skills become rusty; managers look more suspiciously at someone who has been out of work for years than a candidate already employed. I remember an old conservative saying: Graduate from high school; get a job -- any job; get married -- stay married; and (statistically speaking) your chances of landing in poverty are practically nil.

Even if that was once true, that calculation has lost some relevancy in this far more complex economy. But the concept of getting people back on the ladder, even if it's on a lower rung, is a worthy one.

Hopefully, Congress will pass a tax bill that gives business enough certainty and financial incentive to create more jobs. Hopefully, economic growth will begin to put a dent in that loss of 8 million jobs since the recession hit.

But an even knottier problem facing the nation's political leadership, from the President on down, is how to get the long-term unemployed into jobs as they become available. To avoid becoming chronically unemployed, people need more than platitudes offering sympathy. Career reinvention requires encouragement and guidance. Business leaders have specifics to offer on what jobs will be coming down the pike in expanding sectors like health care, and what skills are needed. They should to be brought into the political dialogue.

President Obama opened the conversation this fall with an industry-led initiative to better match community college graduates with skilled jobs. He followed with a Dec. 6 speech calling for a "Sputnik moment" to restart American innovation to create jobs and compete in the world.

But as he assembles a largely new economic team, the President face a more immediate challenge: the need for a "Manhattan Project" to get the long-term jobless back to work, something that would boost the psyche of both the unemployed and the nation. To top of page


midnight rider said...

Over the last month or two I have become discouraged almost ALMOST to the point of despair. I have no belief that anyone in D.C. gives a shit about stimulating job creation. If so they wouldn't be fucking around now.

It is depressing and demoralizing. You get up in the morning and stare at the computer all day, scanning Monster or Career Builder, the local papers and whatever else is in your daily job search arsenal. If you get lucky you find something that might be a poor fit but at least a fit so you send out a resume and letter but even the letter may not be your best because you are not firing on all cylinders these days. The quick mind atrophies a bit sitting around developing those square eyes, the lack of fast paced human interaction of ANY type.

And you do cold calls and try to keep in touch with your network. But you don't get responses to resumes sent or your contacts open with "So where are you working now? You're not?!? Oh. Well hang in there."

I get to the gym alot -- it is a great help both in blowing off frustration (weight lifting induced endorphins -- yum) and having human contact. Get to the range, too, though much less often than when I was working. Ammo is not cheap but still, I carry so I have to keep those skills up as well.

Too picky about lower pay jobs? How about too young to retire too old to rehire? Someone 15 or 20 years younger than I doing what I do will get hired far faster for thousands less. In a heartbeat. And employers know the older you are the harder you are to retrain for something new (old dog new tricks). Fortunately I have always been one who can learn quickly but try to convince a manager of that in an interview or worse, in a cover letter to even get the interview.

Relocate to where the jobs are? Not an option for many many people. Can't afford it. What about the working spouse? Now they have to quit their job and HOPE they can find something new to whereever it is they move to. In this fucking economy? A chance many are (understandably) not willing to take.

And family and friends mean well "Have you tried this or that. Maybe Walmart or Target is hiring. Hang in there. YOUR SHIP WILL COME IN"


I was very optimistic when my job was eliminated 9/2/09.

I can't say that anymore.

I'm not ready to say it's hopeless.

But I can see it from here.

Christine said...

I totally, absolutely hear you MR. I could have written that myself.

Oh those "well meaning friend". Grrr...

midnight rider said...

Oh they drive me crazy.

I believe there's quite a few of us here still making lunches


Anonymous said...

As one who is in the "underemployed" category and does temp/project work when available, while looking for permanent employment, I can relate.

Via my search for a permanent job I'd recommend the following job sites for anyone in similar conditions:

IT job sites:

Finance/Accounting sites:

Health Industry sites:

Energy/Utilities/Project site:

Also I'd recommend joining, it's free. They have called it the "professionals" social network and it may be being overused in todays market, but it does have a job search site on it that lists jobs that may not be on other sites. I've not much success on networking but have found job ops.

The area you live in can help. The Chamber of Commerce may have companies on their web site from which you can use to visit the actual company web sites for job openings. Also do a web search for companies where you live or where you would like to live, gather names and visit their career web sites.

What no one tells those looking for work is that HR is the enemy. They are looking to weed out candidates not find out if they have the "right" background. A helpful book for job seekers, that helps one understand and prepare for the interview/hiring game is:

"What does somebody have to do to get a job around here? 44 insider secrets that will get you hired" by Cynthia Shapiro.

I avoid recruiters because they are as bad as HR in the games they play or, many like Robert Half, find a job on a company's career site and try to get resumes to present to the company, i.e. true headhunters or resume pasters.

One note regardless of one's background look at companies or web sites that cater to different industries. The reason, for example energy companies or hospitals need finance, accounting or IT personnel and may list them on industry specific web sites. specializes in energy/utilities/project but will list non engineering jobs also. Same for health care websites.

midnight rider said...

Anon. -- I am on Linkedin but guess they don't like someone with the name Midnight Rider :)

Their's is an easier job search tool to use.

Places like Monster & Careerbuilder take one look at my resume, see that I worked as a CSR 20 yrs ago and think that's a good fit now, ignoring that I can actually drive & program all that call center gear.


I'll look into the other things you have mentioned.

Thank you.

SamenoKami said...

MR, email me.


midnight rider said...

SamenoKami -- I don't have your email. You can reach me at