Monday, March 07, 2011

The Blaze:

Incredible New Video: See the 9/11 Attacks From an NYPD Chopper

It’s not “home video” as much as “homeland video.”

Shocking, newly-released NYPD video shows the terrorist attacks of 9/11 as seen from a police helicopter. The 17-minute video was captured from high above Lower Manhattan and features the raw reaction of officers within the helicopter cabin.

“I’m not sure I can do it justice, except to say that it‘s among the most transfixing 17 minutes of video I’ve ever seen,” Gawker’s Max Read writes.

According to that site, the clip was originally obtained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology under the Freedom of Information Act for its 9/11 investigation. The video was then anonymously sent to the secret-sharing site Cryptome:

The video’s YouTube description describes some more:

The chopper sound at the spliced end may be a carry over from a longer video. This video was a part of material provided by NYPD to NIST for the WTC investigation. Previous releases of NYPD material consist of a variety of packages, with redundancies, different namings and overlaps. To answer FOIA requests NIST digs through a vast collection to chop out a requested piece.


Pastorius said...

Is it just me, or are cries for revenge and Justice suspiciously absent from this video?

midnight rider said...

I'm not sure you would hear that from cops as the event was unfolding. They were probably as stunned and shocked as all the rest of us were. And trying to keep their mind on their jobs.

Anonymous said...

As you watch people slashing themselves and their children bloody with knives - marching through the streets during Ashura, just to keep the rage alive for a murder that happened more than a thousand years ago, just think about it. Where the hell is America's justifiable collective rage over this brutal act of war.

Reality as I knew it went out the fucking window that day and hasn't been seen since - not because of the attack, but because of the bizarre reaction of the people with the power and might to glass over this sick anti-human ideology once and for all.