Sunday, March 06, 2011

It looks like Bill Cosby sold out

I found an interview on The Root, a politically correct site, from around the time Katie Couric suggested maybe there needs to be a Muslim version of the Cosby Show, and lo and behold, who would've thought Bill Cosby himself, once a man I admired, would sell out?
The actor, comedian and author called up The Root to set us straight about why the idea could actually work.

Bill Cosby was listening when Katie Couric suggested last year that a "Muslim Cosby Show" could help combat Islamophobia in America, and he agreed. After all, didn't the series prove to a lot of people that (surprise!) black people had families, careers, senses of humor and ugly sweaters, just like the rest of America?
Well I guess he didn't read what Big Hollywood wrote about why the whole notion would not work. It's not whether Muslims are rich or poor, have careers or not. It's whether the religion, in and of itself, recognizes the legitimacy of other races, religions and cultures, and whether it calls for persecuting them, not to mention whether it actually respects how women wish to run their lives.

For me, this is devastating to discover that Cosby, one of the pioneer black American TV stars, would aid someone as stupid as Couric. And while we're at it, funny how nobody's ever suggested a sitcom starring Armenians, Portuguese, Bulgarians, Finnish, Ghanians, Romanians or Estonians. Don't they have anything great to bring to the table?


Silverfiddle said...

Plus, I don't recall anyone getting their heads cut off on the old Cosby show...

Damien said...

Avi Green,

In all fairness, I'm not sure Bill Cosby understands the issue.

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with Damien and rumcrook on the perception that most people don't understand Islam. In my discussions it appears most people have had some interaction that has opened their eyes to a portion of Islam. In the past, these events were dismissed as 'out of the ordinary'. Recently, not a single individual that I've spoken to thinks it's a misunderstanding, rather it's just not widespread. True, these individuals don't spend any time looking further. But they are aware, many with first hand experience. The dots are being connected, albeit slowly. I have noticed the tendency to dismiss Islamic radicalism outright as 'out of the ordinary' is fading and what once was discussed in hushed tones, is now more openly discussed from the grocers cashier to local social events Our job is to keep the discussion going to encourage others to feel comfortable to join in and express their concerns and how to tackle these concerns on a local level.

Always On Watch said...

It's difficult for Hollywood types to understand the truth about Islam. They all know individual Muslims and find them delightful -- then presume that Islam must be delightful too.

Alexander Münch said...

I see no problems for Mr. Cosby to get into any pair of shoes of any Muslim !
He is a great artist, and he knows how to "squeeze" a comic situation dry with a "punch" on top !
But, I'm not sure if he is fully aware that jokes about Valentine's-Day Gift-Shop in Mecca... are a big No,No in Islam!...
The only thing that will make Muzoids laugh, are jokes about Zionists and Israelis !...
No chance Mr. Cosby ! On this subject, da Jooooooooos are da champions !...

Can you imagine a scene of Mr. Cosby doing the "Achmed the suicide bomber" ?...

Cosby :- "Mr. Snider, I want a Jacket with a lot of pockets inside."
The tailor :- "Do you want me to make small holes in them for the wires?"

Stop the world – I want to get off !