Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Muslims Being Unfairly Singled Out Over Islamic Terrorism

Man, if it wasn't so sad it would be funny.

And just to be clear: Yes, of course all religions have their nuts. That is a given. It's the kind of given that's so patently obvious that only those with an agenda would point it out.

But as a social scientist I have to be honest about what the statistics point out. And these statistics are kind of hard to ignore.
I'm just not sure how you have an honest debate when you start with the empirically falsifiable premise that all religions lead to the same behavioral outcomes. This is clearly not the case.
 Click on the title to read the whole thing from Rusty Shackleford at Jawa Report.


Damien said...


Its not surprising when one looks at the statistics, nor is it unjustified to be more worried about Muslims becoming terrorists, than people of other faiths. Islam is not a peaceful religion and it shows.

Epaminondas said...

Don't be fooled, Peter King is being controlled by me and my friends ... WE tell him what to do
WE tell him what to ask
WE control all statistics
WE know what to make you watch
WE control the interest rates
WE control both parties
WE have all the pretty girls

Your pal, H Wolowitz

American Rose said...

Good healine. Haha.