Saturday, December 03, 2011

And not for Las Vegas use, either

Unfortunately, boys, it might also take out the some of the carriers and frigates and destroyers capabilities from the US bringing help (assuming Obama is out of office), as well as all US planes, and missiles in the air.

Taiwan developing non-nuclear EMP weapons for future ‘electromagnetic’ war with China, November 30, 2011

Taiwan’s military is preparing for future warfare with China by developing electro-magnetic pulse weapons.

EMP devices create the same type of disabling pulse produced by a nuclear weapon, which can neutralize electronic equipment hundreds of miles away.

Taiwan’s Asia-Pacific Defense Magazine last week also disclosed that both China and Taiwan were producing EMP devices.

The Chinese military, according to the report, is researching and developing EMP and other new concept weapons as part of plans to achieve “electromagnetic control” in a conflict.

Taiwan, too, is building non-nuclear pulse bombs and other exotic weapons at the Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) under the code name “Hsuan T’ien Plan,” or Dark Day Plan.

Two types of weapons are being worked on. One simulates the air-burst detonation of a small (1-kiloton yield) nuclear bomb. It would constitute a “weak nuclear explosion electromagnetic pulse bomb.” A second device would use dynamite to generate the pulse. This would be a “non-nuclear explosion electromagnetic pulse bomb,” or an “E-bomb.”

Pulse weapons can produce a shock wave up to 300 kilometers away and cause permanent and irreparable damage to electronic components from overload and short circuiting.

“If non-nuclear explosion electromagnetic pulse warheads are deployed to air defense missiles or anti-ship missiles, the missiles need only explode in the vicinity of the target to effectively damage the electronic components on enemy fighter aircraft and ships, causing the fighter aircraft to crash to the ground and neutralizing the ships,” the report said.

“If this non-nuclear explosion electromagnetic pulse bomb technology were used in anti-radiation missiles or anti-missile systems, it would be a major transformation in military technology,” the report said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This could wreak havoc in the hands of "non-state actors", such as the "sorry band of men" otherwise known as al Qaeda.