Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Buy Lowe's!


Exercising its prerogative as a business, Lowe's has pulled its sponsorship of the television show All-American Muslim.

The usual suspects are all riled up over Lowe's decision.

And get this!
A state senator from Southern California said Sunday he was considering calling for a boycott. Calling the Lowe's decision "un-American" and "naked religious bigotry," Sen. Ted Lieu, D-Torrance, told The Associated Press he would also consider legislative action if Lowe's doesn't apologize to Muslims and reinstate its ads.
Legislative action to force a business to sponsor a TV show? Why? Because Muslims (and Islam) must always have the upper hand, even to the point of violating capitalistic principles.

Of course, CAIR is involved:
Dawud Walid, Michigan director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said his group felt "extreme disappointment" at Lowe's "capitulation to bigotry."

Walid said he has heard expressions of anger and calls for a boycott by Muslims but said a key to resolving the Lowe's advertising controversy will be how non-Muslim religious leaders and others react to Lowe's decision....
"Others"? As in legislative bodies and courts?

Lowe's had better not back down on this!

Fellow infidels, if Lowe's stands their ground, buy at Lowe's this Christmas.

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