Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.”

HL Mencken never fails to encapsulate the cynic’s view in the least number of words.
This election… Fear vs Knowledge, Ease in choice vs American Exceptionalism
The bad news is that I am a cynic. 
The challenge for Ryan, since Romney already seems to be failing at it (yes, I know, he has nearly 2/3 of a billion waiting for the day of nomination) is to explain in ten words or less per idea, why Obama means loss of all they hold dear.
The democrats got precisely what they wished for in this pick. They BELIEVE Ryan, who commits acts, gives them the ability to use THEIR 10 word ideas, that:
Republicans will impoverish Seniors (SCARE #1)
Republicans will end Medicare (SCARE#2)
Republicans will mean back to Lehman Bros. (SCARE #3)
College for your children will be out (SCARE #4)
Rich people can’t wait for Romney Ryan (HATE AND INCITEMENT #1)
They will then emit no ideas, plant no flag in the ground, and mumble about around not having produced a budget in 3 years, while pounding home the attacks
Meanwhile, of course, it is necessary to explain to those with any gray matter, that 100% of nothing is nothing. That the democrats seek to lull Americans to sleep and that both Medicare and Social Security will END under democrats (probably amid a Weimar printing spree), and broadcast the SCARE (Mr. Rove are you out there?) that seniors on social security WILL BE STARVED BY DEMOCRATS as one pound of 73% hamburger costs 20% of their monthly check, and one tankful of gas takes the rest. Lack of Medicare (already cut by 3/4 of a trillion by Obama) won’t matter since no Rx will cure their new poverty.
American Crossroads should be triggering ads about what an already declined america will look like for Americans in day to day life. The kind of jobs available, the diminishment of hope for children, the uselessness of an engineering degree in that kind of economy, the acts allies, frenemies, and those inimical to our dessicating and exhausted ideas will take as we leave a vacuum behind.
Ads should be BLASTING across every state showing ‘Obama - the ELITE’s’ main policy result is “THE DOG ATE MY HOMEWORK” and he thinks you American dupes are going to keep his con.
Ads should be blasting across the nation showing what families COULD HAVE DONE with the money in their gas tanks since Jan 2009 (Consumer Reports .. $1.84). Then show those plans, purchases, savings fading out, along with the jobs lost as a result of that (AT LEAST $9K…what could YOU DO WITH $9,000….DRILL NOW BABY)..getting my drift? Why are we not seeing these ads?
The election of Romney and Ryan should mean that Americans have chosen to realize that when it comes to Social Security and Medicare the Democrats in fact have promised them at least 100% of what they have, but that 100% of nothing is nothing. That would mean COMPARED to the democracies and dictatorships everywhere else, WE ARE DIFFERENT. Something here is different.
That choice however, IN MY HUMBLE OPINION, will not be made that way.
The people must be made to fear the results of Obama RULE, more than the results of Romney choices.
This should be obvious from the result of the last two weeks of polling which show that not only are independents moving to the president as a result of Romney being libeled for his personal success, and lies about his business ethics at a company he was not running, but also that when it comes to women voters, who should be worried about the cost of 73% ground meat and a gallon of gas, Obama holds a 15-20% edge.
Obama has decided, and this decision means the UGLIEST SCARE, and dirtiest believable claim about the opposition will win.


The largest legislative success of this admin is disliked by the majority of the people.
The single success of killing Bin Laden, is so visible because it sits amid the landscape of MANAGED DECLINE.
Obama must smear the opposition or LOSE.
The idea that failure is not your fault, and the success of others belongs to you is the underlying philosophy of the Barack Obama. 

It allows each and every American to do what Obama does all the time, BLAME SOMEONE ELSE, and remain excused. It tells Americans that striving might be senseless, and it okay to ensure you get what's REALLY yours.



Always On Watch said...

About Scares #1 and #2...

To a certain extent, yes, those strategies will be effective.

However, seniors are already dealing with the reductions in Medicare benefits and all the damn red tape, the partial effects of which took place on January 1, 2012, as part of ObamaCare.

I have a friend who works in home health care, and some of those seniors voted for Obama in 2008. They will not be doing so in 2012 for the reason I cited above.

Always On Watch said...

IF and it's a big if -- the GOP runs the ads the Party should run, those ads could well decimate the Obama campaign.

Epaminondas said...

The Obamanoids keep harping that Ryan wants to turn Medicare in to a voucher system.
Of course that's for those who CHOOSE such a solution, and given the MYRIAD of $, location, and physical situations we all find ourselves in, who the hell can know what the best answer is? But SOME CHOICE has to be better than none.

As far as the 'right ad' is concerned, if Romney can't or won't then we need some son of a bitch super pac to do it.

This is a very important election, and it's time the people at places like american crossroads heard the alarm clock

WC said...

There is no compromise in this campaign. No attempts at reason. When half the country, marinated in the far Left ideology in our pubic schools and colleges and universities, we have an electorate that can't think and can be approached with reason.

We are dealing not Democrats, but a rabid radical Left that builds its support on LIES.

The GOP better get off its ass, and ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK! If this campaign turns into a contest between feelings and reason, reason will lose.

I said it before, go NEGATIVE in a big way, Create confusion in the electorate's minds so they don't know who to believe. Then maybe - maybe - they will turn to the issues to make their decision.

Epaminondas said...

WC- agree in spades (and no that's not a racist slur)