Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Intersection of Hope and Change

George Bush started two wars, toppling two brutal and tyrannical Dictatorships with the idea that giving the people the ability to choose for themselves would bring about Peace.

He was wrong.

As leader of the Free World, Barack Obama has galvanized the Muslim Brotherhood, and has stood by watching - as the Muslim Brotherhood toppled four regimes, establishing the idea of "Democracy" - knowing all too well that it would lead to more Islamist dictatorships enforcing Sharia law.

Though he has not articulated his motivations, it would seem Barack Obama has pursued this policy with the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood would bring a stability to the region fostered by the idea that the people have been allowed to choose their oppression.

Having watched this bullshit for the past 11 years, it is clear that George Bush erred on the side of optimism and idealism,


Barack Obama has erred on the side of pessimism and cynicism.

History will view both Presidents quite differently from how they were perceived during their time in office.

George Bush pursued a Reaganesque agenda of American Idealism, without the vision to see it through with the proper guidance and use of force.

Barack Obama will be remembered for pursuing a Realpolitik agenda of misanthropy and lack of regard for Human Rights. Like Nixon, he will be remembered for burdening the third world with even more oppression in the name of stability and a hedge against those who would harm America.

As the result of Barack Obama's legacy, America will once again be viewed as a nation who will coddle dictators and encourage their brutal methods, in order to ensure that our own peace and prosperity are not disturbed.

We're an awful long way from the intersection of Hope and Change.

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