Thursday, September 20, 2012

Administration Still Trying to Refine Libyan Attack Messaging

From Ace of Spades:

From "terrorist attack, maybe partly planned" to "well yeah, it was a terrorist attack butthere wasn't any significant planning."

Ambassador Chris Stevens and three aides "were killed in the course of a terrorist attack," [head of the U.S. National Counter-Terrorism Center Matt] Olsen told the committee.
But "what we don't have, at this point, is specific intelligence that there was significant advanced planning or coordination for this attack," he said. "The best information we have now, the facts that we have now, indicate that this was an opportunistic attack."
Still, he said, investigators are looking for any sign that the attack was planned.

Anything that would indicate it was, uhm, not a spontaneous response to a stupid film?)
Here are some signs Matt. Hundreds of attackers, pre-positioned mortars and RPG teams. Zoned in on the "safe house". Warnings that came days in advance. Oh, and also, 9/11, hello.

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