Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fatwa For Newsweek?

From Atlas Shrugs:
When an amatuerish youtube video sets the Muslim world a flame, anything can. Does Newsweek really think they are immune?
Somali-born Dutch AEI scholar Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the cover story’s author. In the article, Hirsi Ali claims that extremist Muslims “are not a fringe group“:
The Muslim men and women (and yes, there are plenty of women) who support — whether actively or passively — the idea that blasphemers deserve to suffer punishment are not a fringe group. On the contrary, they represent the mainstream of contemporary Islam.

Lefties are burning with rage for Hirsi Ali (and lying about her to boot, implying she defends Anders Breivik's murderous spree, and that she is an "ultra-conservative" - what a fucking joke). 

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

Last spring or winter, Ayaan Hirsi Ali had a cover essay in Newsweek. It might be online.