Last night, I called Barack Obama an Enemy.
I am surprised and gratified to learn that there are, apparently, many who are of the same mind. Their issues may not be precisely my issues. But, the word enemy, and surrogates for the meaning of that word, are being used repeatedly today, in the wake of Obama's malevolent display of anti-Americanism, and anti-Westernism yesterday.
From Zombie:
I am stunned.
Stunned that our government would betray its own Constitution to side with our enemies.
Stunned that they did this on 9/11, of all days.
Stunned that a culture remains so backward in the 21st century that an embarrassingly amateurish home movie actually poses a threat to their fragile worldview.
And most of all stunned that our government’s betrayal of its own nation isn’t dominating the news and the public consciousness.
From Drew at Ace of Spades:
Obama said:
Appearing with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in the White House Rose Garden, Obama said: “We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others, but there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None. The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal attacks.”The President of the United States of America should not "reject" a citizens right to speak however he or she wants even (or especially) if it offends someone. A President who prioritizes the feelings of foreigners over a strong, unequivocal defense of an American citizen's exercise of our fundamental freedom is unfit for office.
Update: Here is the latest horror that The Enemy in Chief has wrought.
Barack Hussein Obama has been called The First Black President, even though he's of mixed race, - The First Female President, even though I think he's a man. - The First Gay President, even though I think he's straight. - The First Muslim President, even though I think he's a secular power monger with a hard spot for Islam. But considering his absolute Pro-Islam policies, he's indisputably the most Islamic President Ever. It's clear that he's culturally Muslim as he knows his place and Never utters a single criticism against Islam. He was raised as a Muslim by his Muslim step-father, and he attended Koran class in Indonesia as boy. But more significantly, he is, in his hardcore anti-Americanism, The First Enemy President. His policies, at home and abroad, are foreign in every meaning of the word, foreign to what makes America America. At home, he has done as much damage as he can to our economy in order to level the world's playing field & abroad he has helped our enemy at the expense of our lives, our security and our fortunes.
Barack Hussein Obama has been called The First Black President, even though he's of mixed race, - The First Female President, even though I think he's a man. - The First Gay President, even though I think he's straight. - The First Muslim President, even though I think he's a secular power monger with a hard spot for Islam. But considering his absolute Pro-Islam policies, he's indisputably the most Islamic President Ever. It's clear that he's culturally Muslim as he knows his place and Never utters a single criticism against Islam. He was raised as a Muslim by his Muslim step-father, and he attended Koran class in Indonesia as boy. But more significantly, he is, in his hardcore anti-Americanism, The First Enemy President. His policies, at home and abroad, are foreign in every meaning of the word, foreign to what makes America America. At home, he has done as much damage as he can to our economy in order to level the world's playing field & abroad he has helped our enemy at the expense of our lives, our security and our fortunes.

1 comment:
This also reveals the true value and patriotism of the people who made the movie.If they hadn't done this, the truth would still remain hidden to many more people than it currently is. The walk in the tradition as other brave men like Terry Jones who many of the 'enlightened' among us love to put down.
The two truths most revealed in this instance are the ridiculousness of Mohammedan free speech and the evil treasonousness of The Man Child and his cabal to rock solid American values.
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