Thursday, October 04, 2012

Assuming The Best About Muslims

Symphony of Jihad
Newsweek’s latest cover story, titled “Muslim Rage,” is meant to shock the average American — as if Muslim fury is a new phenomenon. “Muslim rage” is in fact a tedious redundancy. When are the followers of Islam not enraged?
Still, the politically correct media elite appear at long last to be suffering tolerance fatigue. They’ve finally grown weary of pretending Muslims aren’t what they do.
Some are even expressing disgust with the perpetually offended and violent Muslim community. If the gang rape of a “60 Minutes” correspondent in Tahrir Square wasn’t enough to turn their stomachs, the parading of an allegedly gay American ambassador’s naked corpse through the streets of Benghazi is.
CNN host Wolf Blitzer, in a spasm of honest frustration, blurted out:
“Why do these people hate America after all that the U.S. has done to liberate” them?
Answer: religion. Not, as the New York Times whines, because of B-movies. Or drone strikes. Or waterboarding. Or Gitmo. Or Iraq. Or Afghanistan. Or Hiroshima. Or the countless other excuses offered.

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