Wednesday, October 17, 2012

CBS Poll: Romney Wins 65-34 on Economy;
CNN Poll: Romney Wins 54-40 on Economy,
49-46 on Health Care,
51-44 on Taxes,
59-36 on Deficit
All in Favor of Romney

Hmm. Odd poll results.

Somehow, people think Obama won, but they like Romney better.

I think that means they trust Romney more.

You now, as far as "Debate Winner" it's pretty close with those registered voters. CBS gives it to Obama, among registered voters 37-30. CNN's registered voters gives it to Obama 46-39.But on actual issues -- the ones that will determine this election -- Romney destroyed him.
Also, there's this:

In the speech itself, Obama did not specify that the attack was "terror".

He fudged it.

Here's the transcript.

Here's the speech itself:




They (Americans) seem to be distinguishing between performance and substance.
Romney wins the substance, pretty clearly.
I'll take it. And give Obama his charity performance points.

More: Foreign policy, Obama edges 49-47.
But this is amazing: Did Obama offer a clear vision for solving the country's problems?
38% Yes
61% No
61% No. Wow.
How about that asked about Romney?
49% Yes
50% No
A Specatator Culture: Americans have gotten pretty sophisticated about judging performance, especially after 10 years of American Idol.
We shouldn't assume that when people answer the question "Who won the debate?" they confuse that question with "Who did you find more persuasive?"
They might actually be offering a sophisticated analysis: "I think this guy won on debate performance points."
But then ask them "Who actually persuaded you?," and they might answer a completely different way.
It certainly appears that's what happened here tonight.


Nicoenarg said...

Around 4:18 he says, "no acts of terror will shake the resolve of this great nation...."

The context of that comment was 9/11 and the soldiers who fight for the freedom of Americans etc.

The speech started with an apology for the movie though sending a signal that the attack was because of the movie. Obama lied. The moderator helped him. Later she comes on and realizes that Romney was right.

Pastorius said...

Yes, thank you.

I just amended my post.

He was not specific, because he did not know whether to call it terrorism or not.

Calling it "terror' is not the same as outright declaring it 'terrorism" which is really a euphemism for Jihad.

Nicoenarg said...

Boy look at the CBS poll.

Romney did great after all. Obama lost his last chance in a debate to make a case for his presidency based on his domestic policy.

We'll see how the media spins this one.

Pastorius said...

Ace nailed it saying, people are "distinguishing between performance and substance."

That is a big, big, big deal.

Pastorius said...

I was patting myself on the back for getting the percentage of Obama's victory right (with regard to public opinion on this debate).

But, I missed completely that it would not matter to the American people.

The people are proving themselves to be far more substantive this election than they were last election when, for some reason, they bought "hope and change" at a very very high price.

This is awesome stuff.

Nicoenarg said...

This is my tale on the American people as an outsider: the American people are aware of what they want.

Dems play Americans for a fool, the media portrays Americans as fools but whatever the state of intelligence of American individuals, one thing is clear that they know what they want and they know how to demand it too.

Four years ago was right after Bush. Lets face it, he wasn't popular. Some people, not all, also saw a black man running for president and wanted to prove Americans weren't racist. Temporary insanity.

Now Americans, Americans having toyed around with idiots, are demanding again. Tea party was one big example of that. This election is a different one than the last one.

Nicoenarg said...

I could be wrong of course and Obama might win again. Just sharing my perception, that's all.

Nicoenarg said...

I meant to write "this is my take on the American people" not "my tale". Ain't writing a book. Damn phone...

Pastorius said...

The closer we get the more I realize I do not want Obama to win again.

I can not stand even the thought of it.

Nicoenarg said...

Yeah I hear ya. It wouldn't affect me directly (we already have a female Obama down here wreaking havoc on Argentina) but I wouldn't even want this guy re-elected.

I didn't follow the last presidential elections, but I don't know how this guy convinced millions of Americans he was the guy they should vote in.

It makes sense when you think that people were voting against Bush's party and also if you consider race in the last elections but the way Obama talks makes me doubt every single word that comes out of his mouth.

Is he an effective speaker? I don't think he is. He is effective at attacking his opponent using lies and deceit but that does not convince me and I am sure it doesn't convince millions of Americans anymore either.

I just hope that Americans get out and vote this guy out and not just stay at home and be disheartened thinking "all is lost".

He gets re-elected, America won't be able to survive the piling on of debt and if America doesn't survive, the world won't survive.

Also, America is dear to a lot of us non Americans for being the one country that still REPRESENTS the idea of freedom (whether the politicians and academicians hold on to the principles of the Constitution is a different matter), we certainly don't want this ship to go down anytime soon.