Wednesday, October 03, 2012


The Unemployment numbers for September come out Friday.

Already ADP is saying they think we will see a drop in the number. That private sector hiring was better than expected.

What they haven't said is how many of those jobs are seasonal hiring for Christmas. How many require nothing more than, as Epaminondas so eloquently states, knowing the difference between regular and large. Or a phone system analyst throwing boxes around a stockroom for $8.25 an hour, less than 40 hours a week.

The media, of course, will seize on all this. The last minute October rescue of the economy. See, his policies work. Re-elect The One.

When those numbers are released on Friday I am scheduled to be lifting things up and putting them down, throwing those boxes around. And will be uavailable for comment.

Doesn't matter. I've come to regard those numbers -- all the numbers -- as nothing but lies and distortions anyway.

Regardless of what you think of them keep this in mind (and tell all your friends who think Uncle Barry is getting the job done).

Under Barack Obama we have had an unemployment rate above 8% for 43 straight months.

In the 60 years preceding that -- since 1948 -- there were a total of 39 months above 8% for all presidents combined.

The question we should be asking is not why is this a close race, but why is Obama even running in the first place, when he should have been run out of town on a rail long ago?





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