Thursday, October 18, 2012

England Now Arresting People For Calling Scientology a "Cult;" Also Arrested Gay Advocates Protesting Islam's Stance on Homosexuality

From Ace of Spades: 

Rowan Atkinson asks where this madness will end.

Mr Atkinson said: "The clear problem of the outlawing of insult is that too many things can be interpreted as such. Criticism, ridicule, sarcasm, merely stating an alternative point of view to the orthodoxy, can be interpreted as insult."...
Mr Atkinson said he hoped the repeal of Section 5 would pave the way for a move to "rewind the culture of censoriousness" and take on the "outrage industry - self-appointed arbiters of the public good encouraging outrage to which the police feel under terrible pressure to react".
Speaking at the Westminster launch of the campaign, he added: "The law should not be aiding and abetting the new intolerance."


Nicoenarg said...

This is why the First Amendment is so important. And this is why America is so important.

I have a copy of the American Constitution at home (because I think every freedom loving individual on earth should have a copy of that document), it offended a liberal American who came to my house...I never invited him over again.

Point I'm making is, even though I am not an American, I still defend and value the values enshrined in the American Constitution. American citizens should be even more protective of them.

Europe has gone and sold its soul. They live for nothing and have nothing left to live for. America is the last hope for freedom loving individuals around the world.

Pastorius said...

You are an American in your soul.

My Father-in-Law was more of an American than most Americans the day he moved here from the Philippines.

midnight rider said...

So, are they supposed to be politically correct about Islam or homosexuality? I get so confused sometimes.

I have several copies & books on the Constitution, including by my armchair. (& the Declaration of Independence). My youngest has the Declaration hanging on her bedroom wall.

And so I raise my glass to you, Nicoenarg.