Thursday, October 18, 2012

Female Dutch Filmmaker Decides to Teach Us How Great Iran Is

Thank you very much to her for enlightening us.


Nicoenarg said...

Well of course! She's white, she talks to men...she must want to get raped!!

F***ing animals. I'm so glad my wife and I are out of the middle east and far away from these barbarian, brainless idiots!

Pastorius said...

Yes, and while we know of this only from having read of it, and seen it manifested a few times here in the West, you lived with it.

Epaminondas said...

Helpful police!

I wonder why?

Pastorius said...

The Police man started fondling and kissing her toward the end. I guess he believed that was his Jizya for protecting her.

Epaminondas said...

With a CAMERA rolling!
What is it he was thinking was going to happen?

Nicoenarg said...

Yes, I had to live with it. Although I have to say that Dubai wasn't like this to this extent. But the logic (I feel weird using that word in the same paragraph as Dubai or the middle east) behind that is that they need tourism to survive as a pseudo independent Emirate. They don't have oil, Abu Dhabi does.

Dubai doesn't want to depend on Abu Dhabi. It was a different story when their property market blew up in their faces and they had to beg Abu Dhabi for help. You know, secretly and all that.

The opening night of Burj Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed came on stage and in a pissed off mood said something like, "We have decided to name this building Burj Khalifah." And walked off.

Sheikh Khalifah is the ruler of Abu Dhabi.

Anyway...where was I again?

Pastorius said...

Those are always interesting stories because they are so specific.