Tuesday, October 09, 2012

France: Muslims threaten market vendors who sell wine, pork and light clothing

From Vlad:

Sharia rules in French market?
Yesterday , in the market of Chemin Bas d’Avignon in Nîmes, moslems threatened wine sellers, a butcher who sells pork and a pork butcher, as well as vendors who sell ‘light clothing’, and banned them from coming back on pain of death.
Already a few months ago, a pork butcher disappeared from one day to the next, even though he had a good clientèle. No one understood why, according to a resident of the district. In june, the market’s commercial arcade was totally burned, and the inhabitants of the district created a collective to complain about the rise in violence from young moslems, without anything effective having been done about it by the local government.
On Radio France Bleue’s open line, a female moslem inhabitant of this quarter declared this morning that ‘I am still semi-surprised, for this is on the rise in the community. One states that this sentiment of communitarism progresses, the moslems will lock themselves up inside.’ ‘These are moslems who claim an extreme interpretation of islam’, says Morad [a caller - like also the other names] to this station. Abdel adds ‘that they should return to their countries. This is racism. These are people seeking provocation’.

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