My friends, today we got very good news from the federal govt.
I think.
At first glance.
But the kind of good news we have received is typical of the successes recorded by this admin. We are 36,000 jobs short of keeping even with our population growth. But unemployment fell. Dramatically. For that to be possible, the number of people who are still looking for a job has to fall. But the admin says that number grew. Not only that, despite the number of jobs created being short of the population growth, they are now saying the number of jobs increased by 873,000. Nothing about this success makes sense. On top of this good news which makes no sense, we are told that of that 873,000 increase in jobs, which would otherwise be hailed as a great success, a triumph, we now find out that 600,000 jobs at a minimum are part time jobs taken by full time job seekers.
In the past 4 years 8,000,000 people have grown so discouraged they are no longer looking for jobs.
Is this what we can expect for another 4 years?
Is it believable that more than 10% of those 8 million people found jobs in the past 30 days?
Are we to look forward to four more years of incomprehensible and purposefully confusing jobs reports designed to euchre and shush the growing restiveness of the american people?
I call on the govt to make transparent the data they are putting forth, as this man Obama promised all during 2007 and 2008 before he was elected.
What will be left we can believe from this government if this man is re-elected?

Jack Welch is the former CEO of GE
I can't remember if we are at war with Oceania or Eurasia.
Why you erudite elitist! What a ref!
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