Thursday, May 16, 2013

In Slate Magazine

Tom Freeman
...The Obama administration is doing a far better job making the case for conservatism than Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, or John Boehner ever did. Showing is always better than telling, and when the government overreaches in so many ways it gives support to the conservative argument about the inherently rapacious nature of government....
Read the rest HERE.

I didn't see any news from 8:30 A.M. yesterday until 4:30 A.M. this morning.  Just one of those crazily busy days: problems at work (Issues so vexing that I almost resigned after 15 years!) and coming home from work to oversee deferred home repairs, which had been in progress all day while I was at work and continuing here through most of the night to resume again at 3:30 A.M.

My personal storms, of course, are as nothing compared to what is breaking over the heads of the Obama administration.  Has any administration in United States history ever "survived" such a shit storm?  We are now approaching one week of attempted damage control on the part of the Obama administration.


Always On Watch said...


IRS sued for improperly seizing the medical records of 10 million Americans

Epaminondas said...

The federal govt has SCREWED UP everything it has touched, except for war and civil rights.
But it has been doing a good job of screwing civil rights up as well.

Govt beyond a minimal size to protect the citizens is a malignant monster whose actions cannot even be imagined they are so convoluted in personal and political ambitions and careers.
Party is irrelevant.
I have always FAILED to understand why this is not completely clear to EVERY AMERICAN

Christine said...



Christine said...


I just emailed the link to Glenn Beck.

Always On Watch said...
