Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Accountability Review: Susan Rice to get promoted

You see, actual achievement in the objective reality where things actually happen is one thing.
LOYALTY to the cause, loyalty to the person is quite another
Welcome to achievement and getting ahead in America today.
The meritocracy that frightened the hell out of Frances Trollope has been replaced by something else.
Foreign Policy Journal..THE CABLE:
Insiders with ties to the Obama administration tell The Cable that U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice has become the heir apparent to National Security Advisor Tom Donilon — a post at the epicenter of foreign-policy decision making and arguably more influential than secretary of state, a job for which she withdrew her candidacy last fall amid severe political pressure.
“It’s definitely happening,” a source who recently spoke with Rice told The Cable. “She is sure she is coming and so too her husband and closest friends.”
“Susan is a very likely candidate to replace him whenever he would choose to leave,” agreedDennis Ross, a former special assistant to President Obama and counselor at the Washington Institute. “She is close to the president, has the credentials, and has a breadth of experience.”


Unknown said...

welcome to the 'cosa nostra'

Anonymous said...

Rice's promotion reflects a degree of accomplishment similar to the likes of Major Hasan of Ft. Hood fame.

This is the result one can expect when faced with an utterly incompetent government structure hell bent on career enhancement rather than honor, duty, responsibility to this country.