Wednesday, June 05, 2013

If you see something, say nothing

Blind Man in Belsen (Nazi Concentration Camp)

From Andrew McCarthy:
It was a report of the now numbingly familiar sort. Witnesses at the synagogue in Paris recounted that an Iranian immigrant had been screaming “Allahu Akbar!” while he chased the rabbi and his son. When he finally caught up, he slashed away at them with a box-cutter, causing severe lacerations. Nevertheless, the Associated Press assured readers that “[a]n official investigation was underway to determine a possible motive.”


Nicoenarg said...

That is a very powerful painting.

christian soldier said...

We artists and musicians ( an art form too) should get together- and show folks what is what-

folks respond to visual and auditory more readily/quickly than to written works --

Nicoenarg said...


I agree. 100%.

Anonymous said...

Ditto . . .music videos which address current events - like Stuck Mojo's "Open Season"

The list of infractions against the Constitution from this administration should provide enough material for a hard hitting piece with a rhythmic pattern complete with youthful chorus demonstrating the degree of ignorance within liberal education . . .immitate Pink Floyd's The Wall.