Monday, November 18, 2013

Dan Slott keeps floating around in a bubble

Who else but Slott could possibly be the worst cheerleader/apologist for Marvel's publicity stunt with a Muslim protagonist? Here's a few tweets where he blabbers on while refusing to acknowledge reality:

For heaven's sake, isn't it obvious to him, after 9-11, the Beltway Sniper, the murders committed by Nidal Hasan and the Boston jihadists that those who could be particularly angry are the victims of crimes committed in the name of the religion? Even people who've researched history better than he has, including subjects like Medz Yeghern, the 1929 Hebron massacre, Haj-Amin el-Husseini's collaboration with the nazis, the Islamic slavemongering in north Africa, and rapes committed by Muslims in Europe, could feel horrified that an ideology innocent people were attacked by is being rewarded with an uncritical representation.

In fact, did it ever occur to Slott that jihadists could feel a form of satisfaction from what Marvel's doing now, even if they have no interest in reading the stories themselves? Is that what he wants? I've got a hunch he's well aware what religion the Boston jihadists practiced, yet he continues to sail around in his bubble, unwilling to look at hard facts about belief systems nor do any research. Of all the current contributors to Marvel and DC, he's one of the worst, most disrespectful of them.


eEditor said...

The dude writes comic books, right?
Just checking.

Avi Green said...

As it says on his Twitter page, he writes Spider-Man and the Silver Surfer, even though he doesn't deserve to.