Monday, November 18, 2013

Israeli TV: Obama and Iran have been secretly working a back door deal with almost no Israeli input FOR A YEAR - GENEVA A FACADE

The Geneva negotiations between the so-called P5+1 powers and Iran are a mere “facade,” because the terms of a deal on Iran’s nuclear program have been negotiated in talks between a top adviser to President Barack Obama and a leading Iranian nuclear official that have continued in secret for more than a year, Israeli television reported Sunday.
Despite ostensible full coordination between the US and Israel over strategies for thwarting Iran’s nuclear weapons drive, the administration did not keep Israel fully informed on those talks, Channel 10 news reported, but Jerusalem nonetheless has a pretty clear picture of what has been going on in the secret channel.
White House spokesman Bernadette Meehan was quoted by Haaretz as saying that the report was “absolutely, 100 percent false.”

The report, which relied on unnamed senior Israeli officials, said the US team to the secret talks was led by Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett.

She is such an expert in National Security, technical data on nuclear weapons, and their development and production, and the goals of the Iranian Revolution. Is it any wonder why our foreign diplomacy is a SHAMBLES????
Jarrett was born in Shiraz, Iran, to multiple-racial parents James E. Bowman and Barbara Taylor Bowman. Her father, a pathologist and geneticist, ran a hospital for children in Shiraz in 1950, as part of a program where American physicians and agricultural experts sought to help jump-start developing countries’ health and farming efforts. When she was five, the family moved to London for one year, later moving to Chicago in 1963. 
She has a degree in psychology and is a lawyer. THAT IS IT. 
According to Channel 10, the secret channel marginalized Kerry, and was overseen by the president. The idea had been for Kerry merely to fly to Geneva, as he did last Friday, to sign a deal in which he had been a bit player. In the event, factors such as the French stance, and Israel’s very public objections, derailed this plan, and the talks broke up last Saturday without an agreement.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly fumed at the terms that were offered to Iran at Geneva, including an easing of non-core sanctions under an arrangements whereby Iran would still be permitted to enrich uranium to 3.5%. Netanyahu wants all sanctions retained, and all enrichment to be frozen, as a first step toward the dismantling of Iran’s entire “military nuclear” program.
If I were Netanyahu, I’d be finalizing cash deals for sales of droens to Russia and working with a France that JUST ADVISED THE PALESTINIANS TO GIVE UP RIGHT OF RETURN, on mutual arms deals. I’d also be setting up on the ground refueling bases in the eastern province of KSA. And working my Tomahawk firing subs into the Persian Gulf. Take out the S-300’s and F-14 bases, and then BYE BYE.
I’d also have my speech ready on how the feckless, and duplicitous actions of the Obama Admin COMPELLED this set of actions.
I would also warn Iran that if Israel were to be attacked, EMP weapons were ready for use. 


Anonymous said...

In the other post about love making between Israel and Saudi Arabia I was about to write, "WTF is Israel thinking!"

But now I hope Netanyahu and Abdullah can carve out a deal that f***s up this whole operation by Jarrett and Obama once and for all.

At this point, the US administration is a bigger threat to Israel than Saudi Arabia. So yay for the lesser of two evils.


Anonymous said...

The Sauds will gladly cooperate with any infidel willing to spend their own infidel blood, technology and treasure to secure Saudi interests. Once infidel services are no longer required, all bets are off. Perhaps Israel has more to gain in this exchange than the House of Saud has bargained for. One can only hope.

Charles Martel said...

Guys, I need some help here. My knowledge of Islam is far from academic,and i may have many things wrong. But my understanding was that Sunnis and Shias would kill each other all the time, until Islam is attacked, and then they operate like one. If that was correct, I don't understand what's going on. Maybe the fact that Iran is getting nukes is making Sunnis nervous.

Al Saud wanted Sadam in place because he was keeping the Shia majority under the boot. They knew that with Sadam gone, Iran and Iraq could join against them.

Also I don't get Obama. So far he has been supporting the Sunni cause. Why is he now supporting Iran's nuclear quest?

Is it possible his only purpose is to cause world mayhem?

Anyone willing to shed some like on this darkness?

Pastorius said...

The only explanation I can come up with is Saudi Arabia really feels threatened by Iran, so they are willing to ally with Israel (get Israel to do their dirty work for them).

I think the Anonymous commenter above is right.

However, that's hardly an academic opinion either. Not on my part anyway.

Epaminondas said...

I THINK the Al Saud don't just see the Shia, they see the PERSIANS. The cooperation (hard to think of it as a real alliance) between Israel and KSA will end ONLY when
1) The mullahs are gone and no nukes is the POLICY of the state of Iran
2) Obama is gone and is replaced by a normal person

Otherwise we should be prepared for a totally unstable set of shifting 'alliances' and operations.

It's hard to envision this coming out any other way in the next THREE YEARS

Anonymous said...

Lets also not forget about the difference between Al Saud and the Mutawwas.
