Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christians Fighting Back: Mob Smashes Mosque In Central African Republic

The people of the Central African Republic have been suffering under Muslim attacks, particularly since March, when a coup placed the leader of the rebels into the Presidency.

Since that time, Muslim Seleka rebels, many of them foreigners not from the CAR, had wreaked havoc, killing and hacking people with machetes.

 The people in the majority Christian nation have begun to fight back and of course, now the media is reporting on the reaction back, after ignoring the rebel actions for months.

 France has sent in troops at the urging of the people, who have been begging them to come in for months.


Anonymous said...

No. I don't buy for one minute that France is there to depose the islamists. They are only trying to soften the muslim usurpation for western eyes. France is doing taqiyya on behalf of their bff the muslims.

Islam is on the offensive here. They have 15-20% population of a county they go for the jugular. Convert, die, or be swept into the Congo or South Sudan for further destabilization of those nations. Same is going on in Nigeria, a much bigger fish to swallow. Same will begin shortly in Cameroon.

France has decided that islam must win. Much of the FFL is muslim or sympathetic. France believes it can deal with this devil. France is in for rude awaken.

Pastorius said...

Anonymous, sadly, you are probably right.

Anonymous said...

PS. Funny isn't it that France can act militarily, unilaterally, in any non-muslim African nation that was once a French colony and NO international condemnation will follow.

Pastorius said...

... but when the U.S. does it Chomsky/Zinn, et al accuse us of Imperialism.