Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Obama Shakes Hand of Mass Murderer Robert Mugabe

Did he bow too?

Briefly laying aside differences hardened over decades, President Barack Obama on Tuesday shook the hand of the president of Cuba at the memorial service for Nelson Mandela. 
The handshake appeared to be the first between American and Cuban presidents since 2000, when Bill Clinton and Fidel Castro greeted each other at a United Nations luncheon in New York, and only the second since 1959, when Castro took power. 
It was Fidel Castro’s brother, Raul, named president of Cuba in 2008, who shook Obama’s hand on Tuesday. 
On his way to the rostrum, Obama also shook the hand of Robert Mugabe, the strongman ruler of Zimbabwe, and hugged Dilma Rousseff, the president of Brazil, who has stridently opposed spying by the National Security Agency and criticized the U.S. government.
MEANWHILE, a Democrat Senator is angry with Obama for having shook the hand of Raul Castro.

Look, I don't feel sorry for any of the idiotic Americans who are currently lamenting all the malevolence going on under Dear Leader.



Anonymous said...

No photos of Mugabe and Obama shaking hands . . .probably because the organizers of the memorial intended Mugabe to be kept away from obama. Guess all those journalists and photographers got the memo.
Wonder if any well placed 'guest' shares such a photo online.

Pastorius said...

Hopefully. It's a truly historic moment.

tim said...

amen pasto....3 more to go

Epaminondas said...

Castro was disgusting enough, Mugabe is a living piece of shit.

Obama doesn't even acknowledge the idea of self respect, OR OURS.

I am growing to despise the dangerous fools who voted for this man.

Unknown said...

I wonder who else he met out of sight of the cameras?

Anonymous said...

It's fitting since the man most responsible for Mugabe's ascension to power was fellow democrat Jimmy Carter. Mugabe did not win Zimbabwe's first election. But Carter and Andrew Young connived to depose the first multi-racial government in favor of Mugabe and his thugs.
Yes, it was Jimmy Carter who created this Frankenstein's monster.

Pastorius said...

Anonymous, do you know of any good articles that give that backstory?

I would like to post something on that.

Anonymous said...

See if you can hook this NY Sun article up.