Sunday, February 09, 2014

Another True Tale of Stupidity, Tomfoolery and Silly Shenanigans Brought To You the Affordable Care Act As Told To A Certain Bitter Clinger Casing The New Promised Land

As you may recall, Dear Readers, several weeks ago, after and unrelated to information about their payment systems being hacked, a certain Big Box Retailer announced that, due to the new rules and regulations of The Affordable Care Act, they would no longer be offering health insurance benefits to their part time employees. A part time employee being defined as anyone who works an average of less than 32 hours a week (for the past year) and 30 hours a week going forward.

Enter my friend G., a early 30's mom(ilf) of 3, divorced from first husband, in a long term very committed relationship with another, W. First husband is father of first 2 kids, W. the father of the third.

And, I should state now, neither G. nor W. are fans supporters nor admirers of Mr. Obama and his works.

G. happens to fall into the under 30 hours category of employee for Big Box Retailer. She works part time primarily to insure herself and her kids (since first husband is a bit of a slouch and only contributes a small amount for insurance monthly). Otherwise, she would stay home full time to care for daughter #3, a mere two years old. And no, there is no welfare or food stamps or otherwise government handouts here. Nor do they want any. W. makes enough to support them in that regard and is proud to do so.

But, because she no longer qualifies for insurance at the Bi Box Retailer G. had to make a choice.

As such. . .

Go Full Time at the Big Box Retailer or try to enroll for the Affordable Care Act for her and her kids.

So she first tried the A.C.A. route, only to find that because she lives with W. they had to have his income information, too, to qualify and enroll her.

To which he absolutely said no. And she concurred.

So now she has to work full time just to get the insurance she had part time/pre-A.C.A.

Well, you may say, why not get on W.'s insurance from his employer?

Indeed, that is fine and done for daughter # 3, who is his. But G. cannot be on it because she is not legally his wife. Nor can  her 2 older children since their father is not W.

And so, instead of working three or four nights a week and staying home to care for her offspring as she had done for many a moon now, she now must work six days a week to get the hours to meet the full time requirement.

Because, here in The Land of Hype and Change, a woman and children do NOT qualify for a man's insurance from his employer because they are not married. BUT because they live together AS man and wife without the proper paperwork she CANNOT qualify for Guaranteed Health Care For All because he refuses to turn over his income and pertinents to the all seeing all snooping Government. The same income and pertinents from the same employer the Government will not allow to cover the same woman and children because they do not have the proper paperwork.

How's THAT for hijinks?

1 comment:

Longknife 21 said...

If they were a "same-sex" couple The HolderWaffen DoJ would make the insurance cover all of them.